
On the one hand, trying to get corporate chucklefucks to accept that anyone else might know more than they do (i.e., listening to Legal) is, as far as I can tell, a futile task. I could see someone throwing up her hands and deciding to walk away from an out of control C-suite.

Is she aware there are a whole bunch of career options other than “patent  attorney” and whatever she’s doing now (which sounds like criminal law or civil litigation)?

Senior career advice: she’ll be a lot happier and less prone to weird depressive episodes and substance abuse if she either finds a job she can live with sans pep talks, or just leans into the “who cares, it pays well” mindset.

As of right now, she hasn’t taken Blizzard off her State Bar profile.

Is she aware that she can work for clients who aren’t horrible people? Or you mean she’s just trying to convince herself that BigLaw paychecks and having a soul are compatible?

His work is already being seen and enjoyed by the masses. Do you get paid to create artistic works? Because you’re pushing a very strange narrative about the free artistic spirit that’s completely at odds with literally anything that is going on here (or, frankly, how producing art for pay actually works). Dude


You’re not taking issue with an ‘idea’, but with a court ruling, which would have been reached after both sides presented competing evidence to the judge. After reviewing that evidence, the judge found that, yes, there is definitive proof he did not comply with the orders from the earlier lawsuit.

If he’d asked for permission, he would have had to admit that he was still in possession of stuff he was ordered to give back.

This goes way beyond just being lazy. There’s apparently evidence that the head of the Indianapolis office buried the complaints, tried to get a job with USA Gymnastic afterward, and then lied about it all.

The affair was many years ago, when he was mayor of San Francisco. Doesn’t make it OK, but weird that you are throwing it in there like it’s a recent scandal.

Yes, but if you’re a hungover Cool Girl quasi-journalist with a deadline, riffing off something the LA Times already wrote is a great time-saver!

You’re giving the author a lot of credit. This isn’t ‘leftists eating their own’ or both-sidesing. This is a bored Jez author shitposting about a situation that, if it goes horribly bad, won’t affect her at all so lol.

Of course they are. It’s unfortunate that those concerns are dealt with halfassed coastal-humor jokes.

I could see it going either way. He’ll certainly SAY he’s running again. He loves rallies, he’s got staff who will carefully massage the optics so he never has to feel angry about poor attendance, and of course the grift. Whether he’s physically and mentally able to sign himself up as an actual candidate in four

JFC. Let me guess, the doctor figured he’s gonna die anyway so why not let the guy have his smokes? I guess a more charitable read would be that you dad wasn’t about to quit and he’d probably just sneak the breaks anyway.

This is a good list, but I think you need to add 9) Not actually caring about other people. Sometimes it’s malicious, sometimes it’s because these are people who are so wrapped up in their own dysfunction and misery that “I got mine, Jack” is the only way they can feel a tiny sense of control over their lives.

She’s not dumb, she’s just an asshole.

Sure, my point was that the opportunity to take a break is one reason, historically, that people in shift work smoke. Especially if you’re the one who has to cover for the smokers. It’s less true than it used to be, but it’s a thing.

Reminder that Chik-Fil-A’s CEO’s supposed change of heart is 100% because they started opening restaurants in states, like California, that had laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ+ employees. Having the CEO on record as saying the company sure does discriminate against such employees is not a good financial