Also missed the point in that these fuckbags regarded a public road as THEIR property because they owned the land NEXT to the road. White entitlement.
Also missed the point in that these fuckbags regarded a public road as THEIR property because they owned the land NEXT to the road. White entitlement.
This an extremely garden variety landlord-tenant issue that everyone is excited about because we’re all still emotionally 11 years old, I guess?
I’m sure they claimed they were all fooled by Holmes, but let’s be real - she was believed because she was from the same class of elites as the people who sat on its board and gave her money. They all thought they were getting in on a money-printing machine, and they weren’t betting their family home and retirement on…
She didn’t agree to take the stand - her lawyers are claiming that she may testify. Probably this is just designed to muddy the jury pool and her chances of actually testifying are zero.
Book names aren’t “copyrighted”.
“Tote bag” being a purse, in the same way that “action figures” are really dolls.
Because if your phone is (as you say) always in your hand, you don’t have to get mugged; the robber just snatches your phone out of your hand (or knocks you down and grabs it) and then runs, which is way faster and easier than making you get out and hand over all your stuff. There’s a reason people out here in the SF…
The author doesn’t want women to completely ditch a purse. Otherwise, how is a woman going to carry around that “ample supply” of snacks and bandaids for his kids that he can’t carry, since those things won’t fit in his phone wallet.
“Other people are worse” doesn’t mean he’s OK, and maybe senior management ego-naming a game character after themselves is a tradition that needs to go away.
Over what? The use of a name for a videogame character that is the same as the name of a character in an unrelated book?
You have a strange definition of “deserve”, but in any case, dude is free to tell everyone at any time why he got banned. He won’t, because he knows he earned that ban.
He’s not going to file a lawsuit. He’s going to talk about filing a lawsuit to gin up his support.
How could they possibly do a sequel?
I was about to say that I don’t think you understand the point of reviews, but on reflection, you’re really just trying to throw things at the wall to say “this game is awesome and you’d probably LIKE it if you just TRIED it, maybe just take ONE bite okay”. I’m glad you enjoyed the game, but I urge you to internalize…
It’s amazing how many rights you can’t actually “sign away”, especially in California, and how much companies will nonetheless fill their employment agreements with unenforceable crap.
That, or a higher up told them to destroy the documents, and they didn’t want to get fired by pointing out that doing so is kinda shady.
Another great way to find out if you might like something is to find out what that thing involves from others who have already done the thing and can tell you about it. (That’s the entire point of reviews.) That is also a great way to avoid spending money and minutes of your life on an activity you are unlikely to…
So no snark here, but you might want to sit for a bit with that need to defend a game you like that other people think is shitty. Nobody has said “if you played and liked this game you’re a bad person”. Nobody claimed that if you found this game fun, you secretly approve of incest and torture.
Please stop with the “should”. It’s tiresome to see people respond to a negative review of something they like with commands to go and spend some of their limited time on this earth trying out something they’ve already said does not appeal to them, when they are doing literally nothing to affect whether you get to…