This will be extremely helpful in the women he harassed suing the shit out of him, and potentially for whatever agency would handle these complaints in NY to bring similar actions against him.
This will be extremely helpful in the women he harassed suing the shit out of him, and potentially for whatever agency would handle these complaints in NY to bring similar actions against him.
Yes, it is pretty simple, right down to the part where douchebros scream about how games ‘pander to SJWs’ or ‘self-censor’ when people do, in fact, pick a different franchise, and the market follows that.
I understand you have to work with these fucks, but conversely they have to work with you. If you can, may be worth pushing back on them with the Just Asking Questions schtick - okay, when you say “get woke go broke” what do you mean? I thought that (blockbuster game that made bank) kind of leaned into the woke and it…
“Peer pressure”? These were fans, not their ‘peers’ at work. And even if they were well-meaning but afraid of confrontation, they could have ignored the boos (just as they ignored the women cheering) to give a straightforward answer. Please stop trying to find reasons that these assholes were just well-meaning…
Gaffer tape works well for this too.
They did far worse than “do nothing about it”, though; they hired a professional torture apologist to be their girlboss front, and went all-out on attacking the DFEH lawsuit.
They can’t look like “whatever I want” if the options for my female characters are all rip-offs of the Victoria’s Secret catalog.
When you lash out at people as being “puritans” because they want their female characters to have armor that isn’t a crop top, you’re part of the problem.
Funny how they never have examples of “get woke go broke” and get made if you point out all the games that made bank catering to a wider audience.
Yes, those are the only two choices: frump, or porn model.
Get back to me when all the male models in WoW are dressed up like they stepped out of a gay porn shoot. It’s absolutely an “aesthetics thing” when the men get armor and the women get thongs.
JFC. I’m glad you got out of there safely.
Did you actually read the article, or did you just jump down here to be sad that people don’t recognize dudes like looking at sexy character models?
Please rethink this approach. Playing devil’s advocate is just a way of telling people that you’re going to reflexively disagree with them and try to poke holes in whatever they’re telling you.
But doesn’t that victim-blaming also come at the expense of fairly judging scientific evidence? And is is really the case that empathy and listening to the evidence are some kind of zero-sum game?
No, individuals very much alive and involved in the system right now, e.g., Fran Townsend.
I know that you know the difference between ‘they don’t have to prove a negative’ (which is what I said) and ‘no one ever needs to present a defense’ (no). You are clearly an intelligent and informed person, and I would appreciate it if we could have a discussion without your resorting to strawmanning.
No, I got what you meant. It’s just that what you meant is not true.
It isn’t simply ‘sociopath logic’. It’s people being bound up in their shitty little mutual back-patting networks, where they’ve set it up so there is no real accountability or ability to remove bad actors - after all, if the system can remove someone else, it could remove you!
Individuals create and reinforce those shitty systems to their own benefit.