I’m actually really glad we’re not hearing any of that. Baby steps, I guess.
I’m actually really glad we’re not hearing any of that. Baby steps, I guess.
Pay no attention to what men are doing to young girls the real threat is trans women who need to pee. We have to protect our girls from the real predators.
You must have no idea about John Lewis’ role in the civil rights movement of the 1960s or how powerful sit-ins were for that movement. If you did, you would not be calling this childish.
I hope the police take her more seriously than the jezebel commentariat. They seem to have all decided that 1. The prescription medication was ambien 2. She's not being abused, she just said those things because of ambien
It must be great to be so perfect.
That’s fantastic. Expertise, training, professionalism, all for a stranger.
The title made it sound like she was causing trouble on the flight. Instead it seems like something terrible happened to her.
Kudos to the nurses who stepped up to care for a stranger to keep everything calm.
I am underwhelmed by all of the fashion. The location however looks incredible.
They might be too old to be Nevaeh’s, but they may have a daughter named that!
Why are you trying to ruin delicious, delicious bread pudding for me? It’s already been a rough day.
I’ll bet the response to this from the tech industry will be nuanced, reflective, and ultimately supportive.
that you think that most parents would write shit like this obvious fuckstain did on behalf of their rapist child makes me feel very sorry for you and your (what must be a) horrendously cynical worldview.
Looks like the rapist kid picked up his attitudes about women and sex from his father. Who the fuck would call a rape of a woman ‘ 20 minutes of action’?
He has a good point. 20 minutes out of 20 years? That’s statistically pretty much 0% of his life that he has spent raping people. And when you think about all of the women in the world he DIDN’T rape? He’s basically a hero. We should probably give him an award.
I was a college swimmer. I got REAL DRUNK sometimes in college, as did my teammates. I will say that 100% of the time when people I knew got too drunk to make their own decisions, I did not rape them, nor did anyone else. We scrubbed puke out of...whatever there was puke in, took them back to their dorms, gave them…
Jesus, you never really think of the victims in cases like these, you know? I mean, this kid really liked steak before, and now, because he got caught raping a girl behind a dumpster, he likes it LESS. Which, like, god, it wasn’t even GOOD - the girl wasn’t even CONSCIOUS.