MINNcredible (formerly WIncredulous!)

Hey look everybody, it’s THAT GUY!

Of major characters, none that set any fandoms on fire that I noticed. Also, given the much smaller number of main female characters on TV, you could argue (and many will) that killing off a major leading woman on a show has greater significance when discussing these things than does a male. I know you’re probably

also, Barack playing with small kids? Who cannot help but smile at his genuine joy.

Screaming might make him more angry than he was when he was attacking you with a knife? What’s the difference?

“OK, Micah, here’s the plan: you go on ahead and check things out. Make sure everything’s frosty and we have a safe place to bivouac. I’ll stay here, keep the base secure, and watch your six. Now go! Via con dios, brother.” <waits five weeks> “Dammit! You really can’t trust anyone these days.”

Holy crap what a hack job. Let’s ignore the actual point the woman was trying to make, just like Scott did when he brought up jobs instead of responding to her beef about Medicare expansion and healthcare. If this response about new jobs was so powerful, he wouldn’t have had to run out of the coffee shop like a scared

People vastly underestimate the amount of skill required to conduct a good interview, let alone to conduct a good interview on camera. It takes an enormous amount of preparation and the ability to think on your feet—neither of which are traits that spring to mind immediately when someone mentions the Kardashians. I

Nothing says ‘I’m responsible and have my state’s best interests in mind’ than making a commercial shit-talking a constituent.

Huh, don’t Florida tax dollars pay HIS salary? Sounds like “public assistance” to me!

:( We need a grey amnesty day.

Big fan of how he attacks her for being in a coffee the same time he was in the coffee shop.

I know they must exist, but who the fuck are the people who would watch an ad like that and think, “yeah, screw that lady, this ad is totally reasonable and makes Rick Scott look good and not at all more like voldemort than he did before."?

I am like 2.5 mambos, 3 glasses of cava drunk, but fuck this guy! Even his voice sounds dubious.

Now playing

This might be too on the nose but it works.

This is why the “justice” system is fucked; this kid got probation for rape, and he still couldn’t hack it. Meanwhile, there are people younger than him rotting in jails on charges, not convictions, because they can’t afford this kind of “justice”. People like Labrie can exhaust every benefit of every doubt and then

would you pick up one of my “male tears” mugs on your way back? I think one’s in the dishwasher and another is next to my laptop.

brb. My tiny violin needs a tune up.

I think Sanders’ campaign has already forced Clinton to address some of the issues that she wouldn’t have touched otherwise. I would bet it is lip service. But still, the success of Sanders’ campaign is as much of a wake-up call to the DNC as Trump’s is for the RNC. Corporate interests have become far too entrenched

Well, think of jail as the perfect frame for a woman’s beauty and compassion. Or something. Yeah, they love women IN THEIR PLACE. Ugh.

both sides are not the fucking same and I am so tired of seeing people saying this shit. What party fights tooth and nail to not allow rights to anybody? What party is fighting tooth and nail to allow gays the right to marry; women the right to make their own healthcare decisions; etc. etc.? THEY ARE NOT THE FUCKING