MINNcredible (formerly WIncredulous!)

This is the correct thing, though. At least from the shopper and the tailor at Nordstrom when I took my ex to get one decent suit. Don’t button the bottom button, he was told.

I had a snotty little snot college roommate who left the cuff tag on her new overcoat. She insisted it was supposed to be there. Oh honey, no and bless your heart, even I (straight off the farm) knew that wasn’t supposed to be there. I did not notice if the vents were still tacked but I’m going with “yes” on that,

yeah, sadly (if OP is married), that’s what I thought.

I called my grandmother my “Nanny” because as a very small child I couldn’t say “Granny.” My sister followed in my footsteps and we were the only two who called her that. But I still explain it every time.

Not a team, but I thought the UnderArmour logo was an “H” for the longest time, until I asked my kids about it. d’oh.

Response to Jeff about media and natural disasters:

Take your medicine and make a friend.

This is the video I posted on FB when I heard the news. Prince and Tom Petty. Goddammit. Vegas, horrifying. What a horrible day.

Cuba libre! Or, not . . .

Love your second wedding story.

My ex-MIL was *the worst* about our wedding. She is why I had three damn flower girls, and loads of guests I didn’t want. But, I still really do love weddings. Even the bad ones give you loads of stories.

Meh. I have used fans since college. I asked for one (and received one!) when I was in the hospital in 2012. Like asking for all drummies, ask nicely and you might receive.

What did I just say? Arrest. Arrest =’

What did I just say? Arrest. Arrest =’

What did I just say? Arrest. Arrest =’

What did I just say? Arrest. Arrest = detention. I.e. Not allowed to leave. That is pretty well established for Miranda. Holy hell. AND screaming Miranda for a non-arrest/detention/stop does not help.

Miranda only applies if you’re under arrest. Now, we can argue about what “arrest” means, but I wouldn’t go around screaming Miranda at every law enforcement encounter.

I get what you’re saying, but HE is the damn floozy since he is in a relationship. We don’t know what gym girl might know. Btw, I have never cheated, nor was cheated on (that I know of) but whoever is in a relationship needs the blame.

I totally second this. When I have had a sinus infection I have noticed *the most awful taste* at the back of my throat sometimes. Makes me brush and mouthwash extra, to get rid of it and hopefully the Listerine kills some sinus germs, too (but I don’t think it reaches that far up! lol)

“I engaged (the younger girl) before I knew she was 16 because of her bust size. I did make the mistake of saying, ‘You’re the cutest one here. Call me when you’re 18,’” he said.