MINNcredible (formerly WIncredulous!)

And, then, only because she is trapped.

Thank you. This is what I have been trying to reconcile in my mind with my extreme 45 loving DiL . . . she loves her gay uncle and his husband, but all the rest of the garbage 45 wants, she is all for. This makes me SAD.

Can you even imagine? Over $500,000 for the wedding and ring alone. Wonder how much her dress cost!?

Except for the handmaids’ of course!

I had strep throat at the beginning of January and was so nauseous for about five days I couldn’t really eat, so I dropped some weight and all I heard was “you look good” “isn’t it good to be healthy and lose some weight”

JFC. My stepdaughter was just commissioned into the Army and I am sick with dread where the rotten orange potato might send her to war. :(

Walkie-talkies for my adorable 6-y.o. nieces!

2016 blows, including this holiday season.

I have opened a wine bottle with a shoe, but it took a hell of a long time. Now I keep an emergency corkscrew in my purse at all times.

Ice is the food of the gods.

I’m with you. As a middle-aged white woman with pre-existing conditions, my insurance (crap as it is through the exchange) will go poof, I’m sure, under Prez Nazi. My life is on the line.

My divorce will be final at the end of the month. It has been a living hell that doesn’t stop.

He wishes he were as SMART as that dog.

When my divorce is final at the end of the month I will not have insurance. I am screwed. The exchange is awful. I am literally scared I will die from something preventable.

I am sad laugh/huffing and SMDH.

I spent one and a half nights in the hospital in March (went in through the ER at about 3am on a Wednesday and was home before 10am on Friday.) It cost over $12,000. I had to order my own food by telephone (it was still quite terrible), I wore my own pajamas, and Thursday night, because I was being discharged in the

I’d like to see the lawsuit, since the baby can’t legally contract with the insurance company.