
Beyonce owns the wide-brimmed hat look. Tomorrow there will be an article on The Root explaining the nature of this grave sin.

I don’t mean to insinuate that at all but I can see where that could be misconstrued. What I meant is that love of anime and manga often leads to a greater love of Japanese culture, but then for some people that leads to reflexively defending anything related to Japanese culture including a proclivity for sexualizing

I feel this.

Japan can be so backward...

That’s also like the worst possible body language for delivering a burn. As a general rule you shouldn’t sheepishly look down and scratch your head while mumbling your trash talk.

So confusing. Everybody knows that the Giants don’t have a good quarterback.

It feels like the descriptions of “Southern Cuisine” here are basically what you would get at any Southern type restaurant anywhere outside of the south.

Hey, don’t underestimate the number of boring white names that black dudes get saddled with. We all went to high school with black kids named stuff like Harold, Calvin or Chester.

Are there any other avid Overwatch players who don’t really care about the lore at all? I’ve been playing this game since launch and I couldn’t tell you who is related to who or any of the background info aside from what I’ve heard in passing.

It’s crazy to me that there are Overwatch lore fans who don’t even play the game at all.

Datsyuks for him.

One day your going to need to back up your talk, I’m reluctant but ready to back up mine along with millions of my Patriot brothers.

I’m probably older than you think. I had to do my time with DOS in school for years before I ever saw a GUI. I think I’m good there.

I think it’s much more simple than that: These coaches are mostly all middle-aged dudes who have the same aversion to new technology that so many of our 55+ year old dads do. There’s a certain subset of older guys who act like new technology is emasculating somehow.

Hamilton is definitely “that guy” at every party.

Now playing

This. Obviously there is no “prediction.” The illusion is that Jalen and Mike chose the school and score of their own free will, when in reality it was chosen for them and communicated to them with the power of suggestion.

This is one of the most underrated movies. It’s crazy how many people have seen and enjoyed Shawn of the Dead but never gave Hot Fuzz a chance.

I had a different read on it last night: I thought they were trying to harness Rousey’s bad acting in a way that worked.

the kind of thinking that makes turns rules into the mess