
Something about a sling blade and a kaiser blade.. I’m not totally sure.

Yeah there probably isn’t an NFL QB who has been as unfairly shit on as Romo has. There are a lot of franchises who would kill to have a 65%, 2-to-1 TD/INT ratio, 97 career rating passer for ten years.

Meh, it’s time to retire the “Jerry Jones always gets his way” narrative. By all accounts Stephen Jones and Will McClay are pretty much co-GMs now. They built that offensive line at Jason Garrett’s request and they’ve been responsible for bringing in a lot of good young talent in recent years. Jerry is the mouthpiece

Alabama alum here.. What you described is pretty much true and that’s how our fanbase perceives it. Saban is from a blue collar West Virginia family and it’s generally accepted that he’s a Democrat who doesn’t comment on politics due to his high profile in a deeply red state.

Carson Wentz is not throwing mostly check downs. He is throwing down the field a lot more than prescott.

‘Member when Tennessee was gonna play Bama twice en route to the CFB playoff?

I’m glad to know that someone else hates the phrase “pin their ears back” like I do. It makes me borderline uncomfortable. In my mind’s eye I see a front-seven where every player looks like Ice T’s character in Tank Girl.

One day I’m going to turn this into a compliment. “You’re just like your mother right now... she also makes a fantastic Brunswick stew.”

I’ve always wondered why “You’re acting like your mother” universally touches such a nerve.

Definitely true, but it looks like they’re raising lodging taxes which mostly doesn’t come out of the pockets of locals. Those taxes are easy to pass almost anywhere since you’re mostly taxing visitors to your city and not the residents.

this looks an awful lot like Brady/Bledsoe in 2000.

A good Symmetra can absolutely own agile characters like Genji and Tracer. The fact that her beam locks on mostly negates their agility. All you really need to do is lock on and try to avoid their fire for the 3-4ish seconds it takes to kill them. Her beam does serious work if you can get the jump on someone.

That’s bullshit.

I was kind of the same way with GoW, but I’m inclined to buy this one just for current-gen Horde mode.

Easy joke, but not a chance he signs with Dallas. When your retread running back rushes for 1000 yards in 2015 and then a year later he’s third-string, you’re not looking for more running backs.

I’ll watch it, even though I think I already saw this premise once when it was called Pandorum. I’m sure this will take a different direction and be less ridiculous, although the twist in Pandorum was pretty good.

They’re both throwing mostly checkdowns. For what it’s worth Dak’s yards-per-attempt is higher than Wentz’s and several other veteran starters. He’s running his offense pretty well which is all you can ask of a rookie QB.

Eh.. Right now Sam Bradford has more wins than Drew Brees. QBs don’t win games in a vacuum. The Eagles defense is a far cry from the abortion currently on the field in Dallas.

I took a late chance on McKinnon just in case. Totally selfish but I’m hoping AP sits a few weeks.

Now playing

For anyone who wants to see more of Jonah Hill getting pissed, here’s old video of director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead) posing as a film journalist to interview him. Jonah does not know that it’s a joke: