
Can’t wait for Jordan Sargent to try one of these for the first time, then tell us “it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever had.”

Same. It’s not as deep as other shooters, particularly compared to Battlefield.. but the level of immersion is fantastic. The soundtrack and sound effects in particular really make it for me. It’s not what I play when I want some hardcore FPS combat, but it’s a lot of fun when I’m in the mood for some Star Wars action.

I don’t want to be a Scrooge, but man is anybody else ready for the Peak Superhero Era to be over? I grew up reading comics in the 90's (mostly X-Men and Vertigo stuff), but there are just way too many comic adaptations out there now. Marvel lost me like eight movies ago.

I actually miss the old old R6 and Rogue Spear gameplay where you had to plan out your mission with the map beforehand.

I kinda felt the same way after playing The Division beta. I’m a day-one Destiny guardian, and for all its flaws one thing that Bungie absolutely nailed is the gunplay. The actual act of running-jumping-shooting things feels amazing and that’s what keeps bringing me back.

I haven’t watched any WWE in years, but that’s not surprising. Jericho has always been one of the best talents in the entire industry.

Of all the things to cape up for... Stacey Dash’s acting ability? You’re right, she was a Meryl Streep waiting to happen before white Hollywood told her to kick rocks.

In the movie This Is the End, there’s a scene early on where James Franco goes into the bathroom and rolls a joint. While he’s talking to another character he launches into a “Wouldn’t it be crazy if..” monologue where he lays out the entire plot of the rest of the movie in detail.

Great, but why announce it? If I came across an article that cited Schrodinger and Faraday and I didn’t know who those people were, I would either google them or just go on with my day. Posting about how I don’t know them (and then doubling down when questioned and acting proud of not knowing them) serves absolutely

In other important media news, I see that Gawker has sold a minority stake to help them pay for the Hulk Hogan trial. I predict that there will not be a Gawker article about this.

Earlier in the year Clemson had an onside kick called back because the opposing team “wasn’t given the opportunity to field the ball” or something to that effect. The difference is that on that play, the opposing player raised his hand for a fair catch, which is legal on kickoff plays as long as the ball hasn’t

Jerry is the GM in name only. Stephen Jones and Will McClay run that team now.

Hey, don’t spoil a good narrative.

Too soon.

You live by the dumpster athlete, you die by the dumpster athlete.

Great point. How many stone is 30 tons again?

Uhhh not really. Those tropes weren’t started by Star Wars as much as they were adapted and updated from some pretty ancient myths. Joseph Campbell’s Hero With a Thousand Faces lays out pretty cleanly the classic mythological story arc. George Lucas has been pretty open that he relied heavily on Joseph Campbell’s work

Clearly most of the Kotaku readership gives a lot of fucks about anime.

My buddy and I used to play Morrowind religiously. I used to steal things based on a formula of value/weight, so usually I was just grabbing jewelry , potions and the occasional weapon. My buddy would indiscriminately take everything. Coasters, spoons, whatever. He would then make repeated trips to schlep all of this

Yeah it’s funny how it’s always the other classes that are OP and need to get nerfed.