Courtney Wheeler

I don’t actually. I think if anything, there just needed to be more art. Or more structure in the way to have them work in tandem. I would have liked to know how the pieces were inspired by the music, but that would require you to have more time to spend with the music, too. 

All this. Didn’t know who he was before this. Can go back to not knowing who he is after this.

your comment history shows you’re a sad lonely basement troll.

1) If I go to one more gotdamn comedy show and hear comedians complain about how they can’t tell jokes anymore because cancel culture (while they are telling jokes)...

I’m straight but I’d totally go gay for that. 

Starred for that amazing visual 

I just texted my friend "IE and CE feeding you cheese in bed with their shirts off" because she's been having a shite week and thought she could use some happy thoughts.


Because it’s 10 years old.

I’m sure it’s because he’s been wearing it heavy for about a decade... LMAOOOOO

I just guffawed cause I was thinking the same thing!

ANd then looking at them and saying: “Bitch, WHAT!?!?”

“Check your foundation before you come and talk to me.”

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

That’s Patton Oswalt in a wig:

Is that really fair to Melissa and Danny though? Those are two great actors.

Melissa DeVito? Danny McCarthy? Seriously though, I do get a “Throw Mama from the Train” vibe from her.

This is something else. The cemetery is around the corner from our house. HELP!

Iman is 63!!