Courtney Wheeler

Malcolm needs to get a large screen tablet and have his cue cards running on an app so that he doesn’t have to struggle with the physical cards.

He also needs a helper. Someone to take the sign when he’s done showing it.

This was great. I hope he continues doing this all year, and I hope the production quality on his signs gets better. I’m talking visceral pictures. Put the truth in people’s face, Emmett Till style.

Those white reporters were so purposefully obtuse. Putting their microphones in the way of the boards, asking questions when it was 100% clear what Malcolm was doing.

Nigga whatever.

You are underestimating LeBron. Cavs in 6.

are you the kind of person that made fun of the black kids that did well in school for ‘acting white’

eh. Here’s the thing. The same sort of shit happened when I was a kid. I was different, quiet, and so on. Other nerdy black women also didn’t get dates, regardless of the popularity of the people at school. We also were not always articulate with such things. But like... you move on and realize that HS is weird

Here is the horrible thing I have come to realize: they don’t remember you.

Hey. It seems as if you read the entry before a few more edits happened. Which happens with pieces I write sometimes, because I have unresolved issues about lots of things. Anyway, the language in the Glover graf has been altered a bit.

That said, I’ve very aware of what he has said in the past about black women. But

shit. As a black male, particularly one whose already admitted to being uncomfortable with his own blackness in the past (and a large reason why I I liked Gambino’s past work in the first place), I’m probably heading into some uncharted waters here....

I believe the landscape really shifted in the mid 2000s and suddenly it felt like black nerds were not only able to firmly claim black while claiming weird/nerd but they were also finding their counterparts and dating.

Hey duder, I grew up as a black guy in a black neighborhood and school that didn’t date many people in school or college. Low self esteem and fear of rejection stopped me from dating a lot of women. Never did I once think that black women didn’t like me because I wasn’t “thug” enough. I just knew I was a wimp and I

I grew up as a Black nerd in the 80s and 90s. While it may have been a different experience for you, I can’t say that’s universal for everyone.

Cause they don’t want to admit that they just want to be with a white or non-black woman.

While I don’t disagree with you I think for folks like Glover who grew up in the 80s and 90s, things were different back then.

I feel you on your point. I don’t get why dudes go straight to the “black women hate” agenda so fast. People call it how they see it. If it appears that way, then its perceived that way. But I will say one this... I kinda feel where he’s coming from on his old “jokes”. Because I had that same issue back in high

I forget who said it, but: live your life so that the Westboro Baptist Church boycotts your funeral.