Courtney Wheeler

It’s a weird thing..how people decide who gets a pass and who gets raked through the coals.


It sort of bothers me when people don’t allow others to grow with their art. Maybe it’s nieve thinking but in the age of receipts, people are always quick to point out past nonsense. It makes the growth progress stop to a screeching halt.

wow. You tried John Legend. We all tried.

If I could play a part in the demise of Megyn Kelly I would. But she’s successful doing that herself with her bland-ass show.

Kanye West is an internet troll. I’m probably going to let my fan card membership lapse this month. It’s too much.

If I was a betting woman I would of swore Kanye would of been a James Baldwin guy.

I’m low-key happy a white person has never asked me that. It seems so loaded..or I would just say, “Don’t be an asshole?” Don’t think it would help matters.

If you haven’t had your “Come to Pedophile” moment in regards to R.Kelly then you never will sadly.

Shocked how anyone explains away punching your partners’ teeth out.

Naturally, people don’t feel special when they have to go the “other” room. FOMO vibes for real. So I learned when you work a special event that it’s better to name the “overflow” room something else like the “Pastor Douglas” room or the “MLK Jr.” room.

I’ve already received a Facebook invite for this. Saturday I will be attending “Red’s” to consume this unholy concoction.

Big Baller Brand = Stephen Curry’s shoes...

I think it was a perfect storm of ego, embarrassment, and of course, Envy knew this was going to get into the press. No one feels sorry for DJ Envy. Also Desus and Mero have always said slick things about women in the past but I’ll give them credit for taking a knee when their guest call them out on it.(ex. Crissle)

I need more videos of people disrespecting Skip Bayless.

“Doo Doo Brown” is still a party starter.

We didn’t do Crown Royal bags, but my dad kept all his change in a water cooler jugs.