Courtney Wheeler

I noticed that white girls like to joke about being “basic” but hate being called basic.

I didn’t know so many people didn’t like Michael Rappaport.


I’ve always found Justin Timberlake problematic. He’s had hits galore(Some I’ve really liked) but annoyed me that he would turn off and on his “down-ness” whenever it suited him. He’s totally the male version of Miley Cyrus.
I think it’s also funny that this was posted at the same time.


Well...find them...

Now playing

“Literally, every white woman named Lisa.”

Now playing

This song usually perks me up in the morning.

I’m actually surprised by that, also insulting she’s consistently working.

1. Comedy specials aren’t money makers. Netflix overpays for there specials actually (big names like Chapelle and Jerry Seinfeld got paid millions for random shit they taped in advance and because Netflix has the disposable income and they love their name in the press they scooped them up. The reviews for the specials

*Wonders if a Birkin bag is worth a woman dealing with his lameness*

He kinda looks like he’s reading some sort of directions and is about to yell “HEY BABY..COME ON OVER HERE AND ORDER THIS NETFLIX FOR ME..I DUNNO WHAT THIS IS.”

In hindsight I should of picked Rebbie Jackson.

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“Keep On Loving Me” is a classic..it’s stood the test of time and it a got a 35 yr old white man from Virginia(my best friend) do be obsessed with this song and The Whispers. Might I suggest we switch out this video with this?

When Tucker Carlson starts talking reckless about you...that means you doing something right.

It’s like..watching two super drunk guys at the bar claim they’re about to fight...One side of you is like “Aw man, this sucks..I hope this fight doesn’t effect me getting my chicken fingers on time.” and then the other side is like “Okay fine...I’ll watch.”

I’m so over Cornel West right now....

Been giving white women the side eye ever since the election...trust AND believe..

Yeah she’s on some Joss Stone vibes. I like it!

I can’t stand Michael McDoanld...well early michael mcdonald wasn’t bad but when he started doing motown covers I was like “nah dawg...not for me”