Oh i'm a total Issa Raye fangirl…I can't wait for her HBO show!!! Bad Feminist sounds awesome…Totally putting that in my summer book queue. :)
Oh i'm a total Issa Raye fangirl…I can't wait for her HBO show!!! Bad Feminist sounds awesome…Totally putting that in my summer book queue. :)
I do have to say..I haven't read a book by a African American female in quite some time. Would love too though…These suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Yeah see? Dead wrong. Don't assume nothing when you go out to dinner..it's either you have the money or you don't. I don't mind paying for someone if you're tight with money at the moment..I've been there but assuming is rude as heck.
Group dinners should happen with only like minded individuals who have home training and wont front once that Venmo request is sent..
No I get you. Lemme rephrase…comment sections can make you generalize sadly.
I just thought the questions were stupid. What intelligent man or woman would question a woman's natural hair these day and ages? Who wouldn't want to support a black business? Besides the homophobia thing…if someone told me these questions were asked to them I would just assume they hang with a crew of stupid people.
I do believe the Black Community should question and challenge old thoughts….but those Buzzfeed questions were kinda hokey(NO ones coming for that watermelon myth anymore).
At least she's consistent.
Tammie has the reflexes of a Puma..all my money is on her…
Does having the soul of a man means that Chris doesn't use a strap-on?
Yoo….make sure that grease sizzles!!!!!
Only if she spends 4 hours in a salon or pat her scalp instead of scratching it then maybe..
Facebook is like the "crazy" one in your group of friends. You can take them in small doses but man..if you're in a bad mood. It's not wise to be around it.
Wow I didn't know that… Thanks for sharing!
You know how Florida State has the Seminoles?…They're highlighting an actual tribe indigenous to the state… I don't understand if Cleveland and Washington want to keep the native american moniker so bad why don't they pay homage to the tribe that populated that said state?…Or am I asking for too much?
I think it's just cute when her PR team allows her to have "thoughts."
I've never seen this video in my life…
Lupita is the girl in your office that even looks amazingly stylish on a casual Friday.
I think the only thing I can truly say about this episode is..
I can't believe that I just heard about this.. :(