
Yeah, smart guy, he just raised a finger. But it has meaning and he did it without regard for context. I know that my kids will do lots of things they shouldn't, but if they do them in front of me, they'll get in trouble for it. If, when they're old enough, do it for broad public consumption, they'll be in for a

I've seen the story of this game referred to as being canonical. Does anyone know if it is meant to fit in with the book canon or the (increasingly divergent) HBO canon?

Absolutely. If they're going to make these sort of claims, they should support them with some kind of research. Numbers, even! Then they could visualize their claims in a graph that could easily demonstrate their point in a compelling way.

Greedy corporations? If he was taking meetings, pitching his material around to companies, then they had something he wanted. He wanted cash for the part he was willing to sell and he wanted financing and expertise to actually productize and market the part he retained. He wanted billions of dollars when his

HEY! Everyone know not to mention the you-know-what in front of the noobs. Let them be stunned.

tl;dr: Yahoo continues to not be good at anything in particular, but somehow survive on mediocrity.

So the guy responsible for the Reatta owned a Ferrari Daytona? Yep, I can see that.

I'm 6'5" and actually have a positive Miata story. A couple years ago I did a few days of Skip Barber classes up at Laguna Seca (sorry, Mazdaracewaylagunaseca). Needless to say, the Formula Skip Barber cars were not an option, but they did have a fair number of Miata with the racing seats fixed as far back as the

Thanks, Ray. Be sure and teach Matt all your best dragoning techniques before heading out.

When did Apple ever charge for updates or bundle apps?

People make extraordinarily short-sighted decisions that will limit their life options in this world. Society responds by affirming to itself that this person is a bad decision maker and will serve as a useful lesson to us and our progeny. We reinforce this lesson by mockery, "Remember, if you do something foolish

Ass science...only in Japan.

The poor eating habits which contribute to obesity are, in part, tied to malnutrition. Yeah, I know, you think fatty boom boom is eating too much, but it's what they are eating and how their body responds to it. In the first world theres no shortage of food, but the cheapest food is processed stuff high in calories,

The Prime member lending library allows you to check out books one at a time from the list of available books. There is a maximum frequency - once a week or once a month, I forget. It's not meant to be a an all-you-can-eat model. It's really just a bonus for Prime members and allows Amazon to test out various ideas.

I'm sure that Stark's tax burden is negligible.

I'd love to have FM radio on my iPhone! That feature alone would be compelling enough for me to upgrade over.

I'm on your side in this.

The US actually has people stationed in many foreign ports with flights to America. They perform other pre-entry screenings regularly, so I wouldn't be surprised if TSA body scanning is a requirement for many people prior to boarding a plane.

He was doing something suspicious and that was the pretext to check. Maybe he just looked at the cops a little too long or turned away panicked when he passed them earlier, but cops don't hassle people with BS like failure to signal unless they've got a better reason. And in El Paso, being hispanic isn't enough of a

I've had plenty of criticisms of their products (not the 360 or Live, mind you), but they have always been an easy company to deal with as a customer and have supported their products well. How do they treat you badly?