He’d probably still call them “Sandpeople.”
He’d probably still call them “Sandpeople.”
You bring up some good points that are definitely worth discussing. The conversation over “leaks” in gaming journalism is an interesting one, and one we’ve discussed a LOT internally. (I sit next to Stephen, and he and I have conversations about this sort of thing ALL the time.)
I’m glad I’m not the only one. It’s getting harder, and harder for me to spot the ever growing number of things were supposed to be offended by. I couldn’t see what was the issue with this one. In thought maybe I’m getting too old and can’t be bothered to care enough. Social indignity is a young persons game. The fact…
*sheepishly raises hand*
Whereas the culture of right wing acceptance is ... there is not a culture of right wing acceptance ....
That guy is clearly just trying to get a helicopter.
Oh, I bet we can do good and still make SOME fun of each other.
Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.
The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.
Finger is on the trigger. That man should not be allowed in decent society.
You’re missing my point. Parking is problematic by design, it limits cars in the city where the politicians and groups in charge have made it decidedly difficult to have a car. They exempt certain classes of vehicles from this because they are needed to make a city, on a island no less, work. I get that you want to…
If you key peoples cars you should fuck off as you dont belong on jalopnik
It already has bitten them — they drive a first-generation Rogue.
Ugh, the outback looked so much better two generations ago. At least they got rid of the gangliness with the latest refresh, but it’s such a cow.
Yeah, that Estate concept is the only thing I want to see a picture of from whatever angle.
Hopefully it’s some sort of next gen C30 that’s class competitive and, you know, actually kinda cheap.
So here's another vote against "don't bring your own helmet." THE GERMS. THE GERMSSSSSSSS.
Absolutely agree. I bring my own helmet because I dont want lice and/or any other communicable malady that helmet/balaclava may harbor. My plain black bell helmet will hardly elicit any comment from anyone.
Gotta go against you on that "don't bring your own helmet" thing. Don't know where you're at, Alex, but there's no way in hell I'm sharing a helmet with the general Los Angeles public, especially after I spent good money on my own. I say bring your own helmet and don't talk shit.