It’s like they’re trying to make him quit...
There’s a certain beauty to the driver’s complete dedication to pursuing a catastrophically wrong course of action.
Sounds like what the wife said.
The clincher for me was during the U-turn. The passenger looks out of the cab more than once (he even got out!) and can’t seem to determine what’s keeping them from turning the truck around because there’s nothing directly behind them. The dude never looks up.
They actually didn’t seem to cause much damage the first time, if they had just backed out it looks like it would have been generally no harm no foul except some paint scrapes and some bent brackets. Then they decided they wanted to punish the building for not being tall enough. When the whole cab flexes off the…
He beat Bottas with only three days worth of time in the car. Bottas is there to be the safe/conservative wing man for Hamilton.
I’ve been wondering about the chassis, too. I don’t necessarily think it’s designed to, I think the angle of the crash, the weight of the engine in the rear, and the sudden way the front stopped caused it to shear the way it did, but I am also not a chassis designer. The FIA report on this is going to be an…
That these sorts of people exist is so profoundly depressing and terrifying. What are these inbred, slack jawed, knuckle dragging, assholes in their bro-dozer pick-ups going to do when Biden wins? They don’t seem to have much of a limit - terror tactics on the street. Plotting to kidnap and kill Governors?…
The best solution to this is to not answer any phone numbers you don’t know.
Do you consider city water and sewer a subscription service?
Still better than Spirit Airlines.
I hate when parents let their kid off the leash.
I’d be honestly curious at the learning curve after you’ve changed platforms. So much has changed from early version iPhones, yet so much has stayed exactly the same.
I think you’ll find it to be the other way around - iOS is a lot easier to use, but it’s also a lot more limiting in how much direct control you have over apps.