
I have a shot of Faraday Future road testing too

So someone jumps in front of your vehicle to stop you with their bicycle and their body while someone else tries to break out your windows (which you can clearly see in the video) and you don’t think flooring it and getting out of there is a good idea? I’m sorry he hit someone, but it’s completely understandable.


Exactly. The most annoying thing is that the mask are meant to protect the people around you not yourself. All that these a-holes are doing is putting all the people around them in danger.

I know, I do not understand the problem with it.. is it because they think they look silly? Oh no... you potentially could save someone’s life... if not, you were inconvenienced for a short bit...how horrible.

If I could work out the hoses and valves and stuff, I would totally be up for a diving helmet on a plane trip. It would be so much quieter, and it has built-in neck support. Really, you might be onto something.

I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.

Wow! No oil changes, trans fluid flushes, coolant flushes, lubrications, or any standard maintenance! It’s too good to be true! ...probably because it is and either you’re lying, your dad is lying, or this truck is the holy grail of ICE vehicles.

This truck was built for stupidity. People who bought this new are the same types who wear Oakley “Thin Blue Line Edition” sunglasses, and refer to sex in very aggressive terms. They don’t make love to a woman. They crush some pussy. They pound some poon. They slam some ham.

And what point are you trying to make?

The flu is a great comparison based on the level of contagiousness and possible infection numbers. If it is not quarantined, which the flu is not, it is possible the numbers could grow to 45 million people infected and the number of dead would potentially be 1.2 million.  That doesn’t seem serious to you?

By your own math, the flu kills .1% of infected people.  The coronavirus kills 2.6% of infected people, 26 times more.

Just use the dead dolphin skin for the seat upholstery.

Maybe, all the dumb dolphins will choke on plastic bottles and die, leaving us with only the smart dolphins. Which would give rise to an entirely new, highly intelligent dolphin race. Who will promptly figure out how to build hydrogen-powered amphibious tanks, drive them out of the ocean, and kick all our asses for

Of the reasons not to panic “Flu kills more people every year” is the worst possible take.


Tanks a lot Rivian

She’s still the best Democratic in the running

The real crack pipe is in the comments.

Man that car is ugly. I honestly dont know how anyone can say it is attractive....but yet everything I read about it across multiple publications say how beautiful and stylish the design is....and I just cant understand.