
Except that you can’t get a judge in Texas to overrule a state law in Massachusetts.

Boston checking in...

A classic.

AND they’ll be able to afford a house!

I still don’t understand how MAGAs think...

We did mock government in high school. Guess what, someone introduced tariffs then, and I supported it.
We FA’d and then FO’d how dumb they were. Even in that simulation.

Yet grown ass adults can’t figure it out. 

They don’t even understand that it’s Trump himself who made the current trade agreement with Mexico! Every time he complains about the trade situation, he’s literally complaining about himself!!

Plus, actually planning, building, and getting up and running a factory in the US could take a big chunk of the four year term of office anyway, and I’m not sure how deep the appetite for tariffs goes beyond Trump in either party.

These are the same people who shout “America First!” while buying literally everything from Wal-MArt and Amazon that’s made overseas and also claims they stand by the side of auto workers while complaining that unions are evil and their members are overpaid slobs.

Because they think (because they were told and don’t have any critical thinking skills themselves) that every one of those cars is going to start being made in the US when the tariffs are put in place, which will create US jobs. See? It’s that simple! Why didn’t we just do that earlier?

The only silver lining I can see is that there’s no way the outsized influence of corporate interests would actually allow such a blow to the economy to come to pass. It would hurt the bottom lines of the people that are actually looking to profit from a second Trump presidency and even the fundamentalist nuts will

Dear Leader says they are a good thing. Therefore, they are a good thing.

Because the libs think they’re bad. And since the libs are idiots and we hate the libs, then tariffs must be a good thing. And even if we think they might be a bad thing, it’s worth the potential cost just to piss off the libs, who we really do hate.

I took what amounted to a pay cut from his last tariff adventure, since my company decided not to pass the whole amount on to our customers.  My comission is calculated on profit dollars, and thus my pay was about 12% less than it would have been if the stupid moron tariffs hadn’t gone into place.

I still don’t understand how MAGAs think tariffs are a good thing.

I still don’t understand how MAGAs think tariffs are a good thing. Tariffs are going to hurt every piece of industry in the US. We import everything. We aren’t just talking about T-shirts. How many car parts are actually manufactured in US? I would bet a very insignificant number. And those companies won’t move

#2: Absolutely! Ramming the thieves car was completely unnecessary since they had already crashed by themselves.

totally looks like the car crashed into the tree first. 

I called them literally 2 weeks ago regarding a stolen package. No problems. 

Yes, they definitely crashed before the truck hit them. Nobody won here.