Not only that, but they’re happy about it!
Not only that, but they’re happy about it!
Some guy named Jason in Texas said he’s interested but asked if he can get 15-year terms?
That’s an insult to rabid animals.
That’s not “innovative” and “disruptive”. And doesn’t require “courage”.
did you comment just so you could say you own a Tesla
I’m just a professional engineer licensed for structural work, which only counts in certain states versus an actual licensed structural engineer. That said, I feel confident confirming that glass will, in fact, break.
We don’t do basements in Florida. Go ahead, dig. You won’t get very far until you hit water. Lots of water.
Oof, just caught this line:
I don’t cruise, but have watched enough travel videos from those who do to understand that the design of modern cruise ships make it VERY hard to just “fall”. Every railing, ledge, balcony, etc. is at least chest-high for an average-sized adult - some are more than head-high. The conclusion they all point to is that…
Meh, I went to visit a friend in Brooklyn and I was driving from PA. I drove straight through Manhattan on I believe a Saturday night to get there. Drove back through in the middle of a week day. Wasn’t as bad as I thought.
His last year as a police captain, he cleared $214k, $40k of which was OT.
Philosophically I can see the benefit of having your car work for you when you don’t need it. But in reality we’re so far off from L4/L5 autonomy that I don’t see the point of talking about it publicly - companies should just keep quietly investing in R&D until the myriad issues can be resolved in a couple decades.
On a perfectly sunny day with perfect road conditions FSD Supervised is great. As long as nobody needs a robotaxi in inclement weather we will be fine.
Oh man, I saw the first line and was all ready to come in here spitting hot fire.
This is a crime that the 1st gen S8 is not on the list.
“There are only 52 weekends in a year. Do we really need to be racing F1 on almost half of them?”
That’s the point of a hyper-car. It’s supposed to have sharp kill a pedestrian looks, vertical takeoff and shoot laser beams to clear rain from the windshield. It’s about the pantomime and ridculousness to cause the 6 year old us to go f-yeah. The fixed shape is generic sports car shape #303
This is the key.
Not be a lazy Karen, and call around yourself to find your own hotel with a room available?