I haven’t had a hot pocket in probably 15 years, but i can still taste it. So good, yet so bad...
I haven’t had a hot pocket in probably 15 years, but i can still taste it. So good, yet so bad...
1200 is ridiculous. I’ve done 1600-1800 per day to lose weight, which i did, until i got fed up and wanted to eat something with cheese. Counting calories is hard, and i usually just use it as a base line. You can make alot healthier decisions once you know the rough calorie count of a foodstuff.
Since i bought my jar of the spicy stuff, I’ve mixed it with mayo for burgers, its delicious. Will be trying it on home made pizza this afternoon, not sure if i should bake with the pizza or apply after its cooked.
Coan Arcanius already asked this, but how do you fix holes/thin spots in the dough once you’ve started stretching it? Is that a function of the dough not being stretchy enough and it needs more kneading?
Like if you serve Pizza when you should have served French Fries?
None of these specify how much Whisky or Baileys to add.
Doesn’t Bezos have enough money to fund the WaPo himself for 10 million years?
brake activated differential doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Looking at anything purely through the eyes of supply and demand is not a very fun way to live.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Triohead nailed it, there is a perfectly fine way to wrap a burrito, it doesn’t need “Disrupting” by the internet.
Yeah to me it read like a list of places this particular person has been as a fancy-dancy food writer, which is mostly larger cities on the coasts with a few others sprinkled in between.
My thoughts exactly, alot of comments are “oh well, one closes there are 50 more i can go to” but alot of small towns don’t have that many, and don’t have much variety.
Combination of both scrubbing too hard and not seasoning hot enough or often enough. I should probably steel wool the whole thing and re-season all of it to get a good base line.
Thanks for the reply. I’m sure some of it is mental, if she knows there is a possibility of cross contamination she can “taste” it. She does get physically sick if she eats food with meat or meat based stocks/broth so its not an unfounded fear.
Houston’s looks terrible now.
For some reason the seasoning keeps rubbing off mine. Probably scrubbing too hard. I don’t always oil them after cleaning, but i do wipe them dry.
Question about cooking meat in cast iron. My wife is a vegetarian and swears that if you cook meat in cast iron the pan retains some of the meat bits and can’t be used for vegetarian food. I have to have 2 pans, one for her and one for me, which is a pain in the ass. What is a professional’s take on this?
Jesus, don’t you get on some sort of watch list for that? Also he seems to not understand that the wives, parents, and grandparents have votes as well, that “Democrats” are not just a group of dudes who he can fight. Makes sense with the way the republican party seems to operate. There are republicans, and then there…
I’d cash out as much stock as i could, set up an organization to donate 90% of it to charity, environmental causes etc.
Then i’d start a brewery in a mountain town somewhere.
Didn’t he marry his cousin?