
Suddenly Georgia has Michigan all excited...

the most improper job of any man, even saints, is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.”- JRR Tolkien

My comment was more about adding a turbo to the current BRZ. Its hard to compare vehicles that were designed to be turbocharged from the very beginning with a vehicle that wasn’t. 

Sometimes its not just about physically fitting, but also meeting clearance requirements, taking into account tolerances for all parts, access for assembly and service, safety and durability targets. 

My first guess is Packaging Packaging Packaging, fitting all that stuff would add more size/weight. I think someone else pointed it out on this site years ago, but if you add more power you have to strengthen everything else, Clutch, Trans, drive shafts, diff, hubs, wheels etc. and you just end up with a 3300lb 2+2,

Another vote for New Mexico plates. 

Chili” and “Chile” are completely different foods, the latter of which is far superior.

$20 for a 4 pack? This is getting out of control. 

I’ve heard that Soylent Green is People, and vegans are definitely not people, so idk where you get your facts from. 

I’ve seen a clock with Cleese Legs before. 

Tortilla and butter. Can’t go wrong, assuming you have the right tortilla, which is hard to get at a supermarket. 

This year sucked from a car meet perspective, and this is yet another one i missed. Figures, the year i map out all the car events on my calendar so i won’t miss a single one...and they all get canceled.

well poo, the images didn’t come out. THis is the car i was talking about

They had us in the first half, I’m not gonna lie

Holy crap, it all makes sense now. I drive by that place once a week, the in-laws live in Pinckney. I always wondered what that place was like in its prime. It often gets a middle finger from me as i drive past the huge Trump signs.

An outstanding warrant for “Disturbing the peace” Is just so Canton.

I think my favorite part about SE Michigan car culture is its part of the air, the ether. Everywhere you go you will find something to do with Automotive history. Someone famous lived/lives there, or they built something there, they raced something there etc. So many underrated museums or collections to see, sites to

I love the DIY guys who build from scratch here in Michigan. This is one of my favorite cars that shows up at local meets. Not sure what its based on, Model A perhaps??

Loin Spawn. My new favorite name for them.