
So they are finally admitting that the entire idea of the N52 (and the pointless events and soft reboots since) was just as terrible as any long term reader could have told them it was back in 2011. Hopefully they are serious about undoing some of the damage and they are not just using this as yet another excuse to

It pretty much sucks. I watched the first few episodes and then had to stop. It’s just too stupid. (I checked this article to see if maybe it had gotten better. I generally like werewolf/vampire stuff)

I hate “free to play” games that nickel and dime you, but I have spent more on Marvel Heroes than any game other than World of Warcraft, because they earned it by being awesome. You can get everything for free by playing and earning in game currency at a reasonable rate, other than storage space and purely cosmetic

That GIF alone is already a much better Jem and the Holograms movie than the one they made.

But that’s her playing a British person putting on an American accent, not her playing an American person. It could be exaggerated on purpose.

Antonin Scalia continues his divorce from reality.

No, not having this conversation.

Five of the nine Supreme Court justices

Oh fuck off.

I have worked in campus dining halls and a small minimart, and we had to lock the dumpsters for this very reason. The liability was too great. I think that is the core issue here. Not greed but fear of litigation.

We’ve long established that you don’t just have some kind of absolute free reign to deal with your property as you wish. You can’t just burn your house down nor can you dump cans of paint down the drain, etc. There’s no constitutional issue with the government regulating commercial activity with regard to the disposal

Naw, they keep us too poor to make emigrating a realistic option.

“In part, it’s because people are busy lazy”

That would be the sensible, right, humanitarian thing to do...

I agree with you that Heath Ledger’s performance was exemplary in The Dark Knight, but he was a terrible Joker. He was a big messy psychopath whose end goal was just cruelty. That’s not the Joker at all! The Joker’s endgame is the big laugh, the guffaw, the Joke that puts aches in everyone’s sides and he accomplishes

I actually didn’t think Ledger’s Joker was very good. Don’t get me wrong - Ledger gave a fantastic performance. It was incredible acting. The problem was, his/Nolan’s interpretation of the character didn’t do justice to the character imo. The Joker is defined in large part by his twisted humor (especially gags like

I know people have a lot of love for the Nolan Batman films, but in my opinion they’re some of the worst. The Dark knight is a good film, but it’s mostly due to Heath Ledger’s performance. The rest of the film is clunky, ugly, poorly edited and poorly shot. The same goes for Nolan’s other two Batman films - they go

Sometimes we get the Expanse and Childhood’s End, sometimes we get sharks in tornadoes and series like this.

I hope I’m wrong but I’m guessing she receives her fair share of slut shaming from the wives and girlfriends (‘why don’t you cover up then?’ ‘Or maybe don’t dress like a stripper or porn star!’ Etc). I doubt all recipients respond this way but I can imagine many would lash out in embarrassment or hurt or shock (at

This woman is a true hero. I should celebrate by sending her pictures of my genitals, right?