
This. I was raised in a Protestant Christian family. Yes, they have some views I don’t agree with— such as their stance on gay marriage— but they still follow the other, vastly more important parts of the scripture. If someone wants to hold onto the belief that homosexuality is a sin, I can’t make them think

How very Christian of her.

Like 50 years of civil rights and anti-discrimination legislation. Where have you been?

Insert the word “black” where the word “homosexual” appears in these kinds of cases, and suddenly you’ll realize how insanely stupid your question is.

Back in 2014, the Oregon labor commission found the Kleins had in fact violated the rights of the couple requesting the cake. Lawyers mediated for both sides to find a settlement and one could not be reached, therefore this went to court. The Kleins had a GoFundMe campaign started for them, but that campaign was

If $135,000 seems like a lot just for emotional damages, it is worth noting that the baker did not just refuse them service. She also published the couple’s names and home address on the Internet and encouraged people to harass them. So there was much more emotional damage than just refusing them service.

These people are HORRIBLE capitalists. They run a business, I assume,for money. WHY ARE YOU TURNING DOWN MONEY?

You still can as long as your reason for doing so is not discrimination against a protected class. So you can refuse service to someone who won’t pay or someone who is causing more trouble than it’s worth or someone who is being rude and obnoxious.

People who did nothing wrong are constantly affected by the wrongdoings of others. Maybe that’s the fault of the wrongdoers?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 happened. Since then, it’s been illegal to refuse service based on a customer having a characteristic that is part of a protected class. A few decades later, Oregon made sexual orientation a protected class.

Nothing happened to it. “Anyone” doesn’t mean “Just the Gayz”.

It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”

Why on earth make it ruinous to break the law, why! Why. I'm stomping and everything.

That buzzing you hear is the sound of 10,000,000 conservatives getting outrage boners.

Why do you care more about upsetting these people than discrimination?? If these people don't want to serve everyone, they are free to go into a different line of work. It's pretty simple.

I don’t claim to know your personal situation, but that sure sounds like something someone would say that doesn’t walk thru life experiencing much of either the vicious overt racism nor subtle and sinister discrimination. It needs to be a large sum otherwise the message will be soon forgotten by the next business that

Everyone knows the Bible says love thy neighbor, as long as they’re not a dirty homo.

I do sort of feel for the bakers. I mean, after all we all know that the original translation of Mark 6:41 reads:

I’m with Grumpy Cat on this one. GOOD.