
Not quite. Broadband/network congestion is a fictional narrative marketed by the ISPs with interest in keeping TV viable.

ETA — I am just stoked I got to use this gif twice in 10 minutes.

I think it's mostly because he's playing the game in a way that is thus far catching opponents off guard. It's entirely possible that he'll run up against somebody who instead of playing to win...plays to beat him.

"This is not slavery, therefore it seems pretty okay" is a spectacularly dumb argument.

Jesus. Awful lot of anti-labor numbnuts in the comments here.

Hey asshole, it's a job. We have workplace regulations and wage laws for everyone. Regardless of what that job is.

The short-lived Phoenix television series he did just before Khan, or am I the only one old enough to remember that?

I hope this new Fantastic Four effort bombs like it was dropped from a B-17.

You miss the "you may not say anything negative or disparaging about etc" part?

This post portrays scientists as people lacking in any form of whimsy.

Except this isn't a real phenomenon or a real scientific theory, it's fiction. The whole damned thing is based around "what if" from start to finish. Gee, you say Godzilla isn't real? NO SHIT, really? ZOMG I thought those movies were documentaries! My illusions are shattered! *rolls eyes*

I think instead of trying to show how it isn't possible, they should try imagining how it could be possible. Too many scientists just say "that's impossible" and brush the subject aside. There are a thousand different ways Godzilla could really exist. He could have a completely unique bone and muscle structure. He


Now Bloomberg is banned.

As you sit there watching you tube videos of Russian dash cams........:) There is a reason for them, usually not this. Me, I would have run the delivery guy down, shaken his hand, and said "Beautifully delivered throw!" To me, it looks like it landed softly, and exactly where he was aiming for.

You're not special. Your package is not special. Read the bill of lading. Your package is liable to fall up to 48 inches during handling. Public perception of treating a package like this isn't good, but it's reality behind the scenes.

As a former UPS employee, I can tell you that every package has been tossed like this. When loading a big truck I would build a wall with the big packages, and then just toss the small sort on top, from like 50 feet away.

Remember: Everyone should have known that Lindy was hungover, and been extra nice to her as a result.

I missed the part about where he said something about your weight.