
But how then will they rake in the cash? You’re under the misguided belief that traffic laws exist to promote safety when we all know they’re clearly for generating revenue under the guise of safety.

Being stopped at a light is not driving.

Actually, most don’t, especially if it’s an older title. And who is to say what’s a PC? A console is a PC. A GameBoy or Vita could be considered a PC. My smartphone could be considered a PC. Unless the license specifically states that it, the license, is only good for one specific particular device, then you’re free

Because I can see them. They are trying to hide them as much as they possibly can, but it’s obvious, at least to my eye.

I might be able to take this a bit more seriously if they stopped digitally airbrushing the shit out of Cait’s face and allowed the world to see what she really looks like.

It’s also quite telling that they go very far out of their way to not show her mannish mannerisms and physicality either. So while it’s a good

Oh boo hoo, my hipster neighbors won’t bow to my will and live their lives according to how I say! They have no respect for my authority! And get the fuck off my lawn! Waaaaaa!

Yes, there are always those that fear change of the status quo and empowerment of the individual over the corporate overlord. Sorry, but the days of this old way of thinking are slowly ending. You either evolve or die.

A small sampling of the thousands and thousands that use the service without issue. Statistically irrelevant.

Man, I totally thought this was going to be pics of hot guys in cosplay with huge bulges. Way to rain on my parade.

Perry is Black in MoS. Jimmy is Black in the new Supergirl TV show. It was rumored that Olsen was going to be a woman in MoS, but this was just rumor.

Your point was movies that were great are both commercially and critically successful. My point was that neither means they are great movies, because even bad movies make a lot of money and get pretty good reviews from many major outlets.

The only one posting here with theoretical horror stories is you. Post after post after post of you feebly attempting to defend your “right” to tell your neighbors what they can and can’t do in their own homes.

Time to put on your big boy pants and realize that AirBnB is legal, that the people who own their own homes

Wow, you sound like one of the many asshole landlords I’ve had over the years. Never fear, I would never be one of your tenants. Once I start seeing a laundry list of “tenant may not” entries in the lease I know the landlord is going to be a total douche and it’s time to find a different place. And yes, I’ve lived in

Who says I paid for it?

Don’t forget Jimmy Olsen and Perry White. They’re Black now too. And yes, apparently it is all the rage.

Watchmen was OK, but not great. The pacing was way off, and honestly at times it was horribly dull and boring. It would have been better as a trilogy. So much of the nuances of the comic had to be stripped out to fit it into one movie, and it quickly becomes a visual spectacle based on an amazing book. 300 is

Yes, but since all those ethnicities are Caucasian there is no issue. Asians are not Caucasian and therefor the discrepancy is blatantly obvious. It’s just another example of TV and movie makers not giving a shit about a character’s lore and just hiring whoever the fuck they want.

Glad I’m not the only one who really didn’t like the Nolan Batman movies. At all. Total shit. All of them.

Hard to believe, but commercial and critical success doesn’t mean it was actually a good movie. Care to watch the Transformers series with me tonight?