
See, here's the problem, and how companies are trying to have their cake and eat it too.

And you're missing the part that the city of LA doesn't seem to care.

The dictionary definition of an ass is that of a donkey. Yet when I call you an ass for saying such a stupid thing, I'm most certainly not insinuating you're a donkey.

Y'know, there was no proof that cigarettes caused lung cancer, until, y'know, there was. How many decades did the industry and scientists swear up and down that smoking was perfectly fine and healthy for you?

Then you *should* remember the childhood awesomesauce that was Battle of the Planets.

d.) all of the above?

Kyle, you're way off in fairy lala land on this. No, this is a GOOD thing. This ensure the Xbox One will actually sell.

I look forward to the day Steve Jobs and Apple are lost to history.

What the fuck are you blathering on about? And what does it have to do with the topic at hand?

You really know nothing at all about Wonder Woman, and as such, your ignorance disqualifies you to say how she should or should not be portrayed.

You're absolutely delusional. She was the epitome of what Wonder Woman should look like.

Wonder Woman looks pretty normal??? Are you smoking crack over there Rob? She looks like a Vampire or Zombie. Or both. Nothing about that outfit makes any sense.

OK, now you're just getting stupid. Most of the costumes in Smallville and Arrow look ridiculous, like they came from a party store. And like masks and cowls, a hood completely eliminates your peripheral vision, so it would be the LAST thing an archer would wear. So much for "realism".

Sad part is that this game should have been made and sold on Steam.

Yes, but your point was it being silly. In all seriousness, does the cowl prevent you from recognizing that Batman is played by Christian Bale? So not only does it eliminate his peripheral vision, it really serves no purpose because he's still recognizable.

If it's not Cap and Falcon I'm not interested.

Now why did you have to bring that up? I'd completely forgotten about it. :(

Considering the costume translated just fine for TV I don't see why it couldn't translate equally as fine for the big screen. This whole debate over an outfit that has been around for over 70 years and has PROVEN to work in a live action setting is simply ridiculous.

She's had the same costume for 70+ years. The Lynda Carter version was PERFECTION. But now all of a sudden it's an issue because it's a "bathing suit" that turns her into a sex object? Really? What fucking rock have you just crawled out from under?

Y'know what else is pretty ridiculous for a warrior? A cowl that reduces your peripheral vision to zero and a cape that does nothing except get in your way as you try to fight (or fly). Yet no one ever seems to have problems with those costume bits.