
Not true at all. It only gets hard if you drain the off the peanut oil. Yes it will separate, but it's not a big deal, just stir it up before using and it has a perfect spreading consistency. I also don't refrigerate it, as that will indeed make it difficult to stir and spread.

There's a health food store right across the street from me that has a big grinder that makes fresh peanut butter right on the spot. And at less than $3 a pound it's a steal.

It lasts pretty much forever and doesn't need to be refrigerated.

Well that's what it's supposed to be.

Lawyers should know that judges are one of 3 types of people you don't want to piss off cause they can literally ruin your day (the other 2 being cops and flight attendants). Just sayin'...

I must be like the only American who doesn't like pumpkin pie. Blech!

And in other News of the DUH, racist parents who give their kids stupid names raise racist kids with stupid names. Film at 11. Back to you, Tracie...

You're just holding it wrong.

Loved that show!

Thank you IO9 for giving me the perfect way of disposing of my mother-in-law.

Yup, same thing for me. Obvious lip filler. It's very distracting and makes her look a lot older than she really is.

Black with rounded corners.

Sorry, but you can't fix cable, no more than you could the gaslamp industry after the invention of the light bulb or the horse and buggy industry after the invention of the automobile.

I'll keep my gas stove thankyouverymuch. I'd love to see you try broiling with anything but.

Sociopathic Hall? Charlatan Square? Thievery Towers? Which name are they going with?

So when Apple steals technology, patents it, and trolls everyone else they see as competition, that's ok. But when another company who buys up patents wants a payout on a legitimate patent that Apple stole, oh, they are trolls that are destroying the legal system and corrupting innovation. Riiiiiiiight...

No. Let's not stick with 24 FPS. Or do you also advocate going back to 9" B&W televisions and AM radio?

If I ever spend $70 on a flashlight my friends and family know to immediately call 911 cause it will be clear the Captain has lost his fucking mind.

Yup, first thing that came to my mind. And straightwashing is a perfect term. Let's keep it around for when Reelz decides to make an Oscar Wilde show and turn him into a ladies' man.

There's a reason why big tobacco either currently owns, or has owned, major food companies. With the decline of cigarettes and their impressive portfolio of addiction research they needed something else to get people hooked on, and cheap food full of salt, sugar, and fat is it.