
Yeah, notice how you don't see this fact anywhere on Gizmodo or Engadget. The S3 has a bigger screen, higher resolution, faster CPU and GPU, higher resolution camera, more memory, standardized port, but the iPhone 5 is best thing ever invented since the wheel. So revolutionary that they simply must post about it no

Lucky for us it's running Jelly Bean, which runs faster than iOS.

And I think you meant "I'm a pendant" or "I practice rabid pedantry".

This this and THIS. People are so fucking stupid sometimes. They think pink slime is bad? Better not ever see what goes into those hot dogs that Americans consume 20 billion of every year.

Silly you with all your logic and reasoning. You have no place here in the Interwebs.

Yeah, it all sounds well and good till that first test flight. After which some pain-in-the-ass stoic aliens show up, deem us unworthy, and rain on our parade.

Awww... looks like some iPhanboi's butt hurts.

Whatever you do don't show this to Jesus. It'll really ruin his weekend.

It depends, does your upgrade treadmill have an apple on it or not?


I'm sorry, but this is BS. If you don't have the money to pay your musicians you don't have any. Period. I'm glad you're ready to jump at the opportunity to play for free but you're doing a disservice to every musician out there trying to make a living. If she really wants to do this so badly and can't afford live

I'm sorry Evan but the new Wonder Woman is total shit. Please don't use her as an example of how writers and authors should take a dump on long-standing established characters. There isn't a single thing about Azzarello's run I find redeeming. It all screams "change for changes sake", and that's nothing but lazy hack

Slacker hacker?

Mainly because it's been highly rated by multiple magazines, blogs, and websites, isn't a bloated mess, doesn't beg me every 10 minutes to upgrade to a paid version, and is completely free.

Not to diminish the seriousness of it cause it sucks to be hacked, but reports are there's been something like 11,000 hacked accounts. Which seems like a lot until you consider there are millions of registered GW accounts. Which makes it a fraction of 1%.

I know, right? Doesn't every woman have a dancing horse with a matching $77,000 tax deduction? I mean, is that really any different than a pair of shoes and matching handbag you get on clearance at Burlington Coat Factory cause you can't afford to shop at Macy's? Really people, why the hate???

I think the general idea at this point is to design games from the get-go knowing you'll start with subscriptions and then later transition to F2P. This allows them to recoup a large amount of money up front upon release (plus the next 6-9 months or so). Then when sub revenue starts to fall they put their plan B into

People who buy Apple products?

Y'know, I would have expected Jesus Diaz to look more Latino.

Um. No. DRM is not welcome in my house.