
You can bike 5 miles a day and spend hours at the gym and still be overweight/obese. Just because you do those things doesn't mean you're at your ideal body weight for your height/frame. You'll be quite fit and probably muscular, but that really has no bearing on the amount of body fat you're carrying around.

With all this whooshing air going around are you also feeling a bit light-headed? ;)

That whooshing sound you hear is the point flying right over your head.

Crazy! I know, right! I mean, what's with these people that don't run out and buy $800 phones and tablets and then spends thousands every year on apps? WTF is wrong with these people!?!??!

This, this and this.

You realize telling people to stock up on items will make the price go up even faster, right?

Still rocking one from the late 80s, and I'll never use another. I swear they're gonna bury me with it.

VOTE: IBM Model M.

I'm thinking pedantry.

Two concerns here. First, I'm supposed to pre-order something that's not expected to arrive till spring of next year??? Second, since it's coming out sometime next year isn't it already going to be super-old tech by then?

Lee's artwork is fine. But any time he talks about wanting to redesign a costume someone should threaten to break his fingers. His idea of "skew younger" is "let's go back to the early 90s". Horrible, horrible, horrible. Lines, lines, lines, and more lines. Oh, and collars. It's just so damned stupid and looks

Well in all fairness WW hasn't been a good book in many years, at least since Rucka. The "lesbian cowgirl hooker" look from the year prior to the New 52 was equally as ridiculous as what they're doing now.

So either use it for your external drives or get a powered one. They aren't expensive and a whole lot cheaper than buying firewire devices.

But again, and I can't overstate this enough, it's NOT Wonder Woman. It would be the same as if you took Superman and gave him the personality of Guy Gardner, changed the colors of the costume from blue, red, and yellow to grey, orange, and white, changed the S insignia into a K, and retconned his origin from the last

Sheesh, get a hub already.

Well, there are people that watched "According to Jim" for 8 years, so I guess there's no accounting for taste.

Nope, that's Alan Scott, Earth-2 Green Lantern.

Animal Man and Swamp Thing aren't bad, but to be fair it's not like they're iconic characters. Wonder Woman is total, complete, and absolute fucking trash, and an insult to the character, her fans, and anyone who has ever read, written, illustrated, colored, or even lettered a WW book.

They absolutely destroyed Wonder Woman. As far as I'm concerned Diana is dead. The more I convince myself this abortion they try to pass off as Wonder Woman is nothing but a Bizarro-esque imposter the better I sleep at night.

CTRL+Shift+N for new folder and Shift+right click to access "Open command window here".