and for every troll, there's a fanatic that actually thinks exactly the way the troll is pretending to.
and for every troll, there's a fanatic that actually thinks exactly the way the troll is pretending to.
handcuffing is not unusual.
it's what happens when they hear about someone abandoning a religion.
basically, plastic flexes under strain while aluminum just dents and chips.
haha. your stupid plan fails at step 2. i don't know anyone under the age of 25 who still uses voicemail...
Careful, Sam. Jesus might ban you for disagreeing with him.
did you know that electric cars, unlike gasoline cars, don't burn fuel when not moving? and no, the big touchscreen is a drop in the bucket as far as energy drain goes.
i dunno, is inventing silly new words really much worse than thinking grammar different?
when they copy, they copy business practices as well.
and here's the drift version!
quantity certainly has a quality of its own.
i dunno, given how Tesla already has a 100MPGe car out today, the easy way without even doing any R&D themselves would be to license Tesla's tech, and just make a few electrified versions of popular models. Fleet average raised instantly.
there's still compelling reason to do some R&D. to be first and to be unique. being a clone is actually not a very profitable market segment, because you're competing against thousands of other companies.
funny how you trumpet this as a true victory for apple when the jury decided to ignore things like, i dunno, prior art in their decision. or consistency. or following any decision the judge bothered to give them.
I guess we know how the jury came to a decision so quickly: they didn't consider the evidence, they didn't consider their own instructions, and for the most part they probably just flipped a coin.