USB has been around far longer than the 30-pin.
USB has been around far longer than the 30-pin.
"If those are the two big improvements, add one requirement: longevity."
i'm still awaiting the day they film an F1 car driving upside down in a tunnel.
that's like saying excessive speeding isn't a crime unless someone actually crashes.
thank goodness google changed the first G to blue. that green really looks unprofessional.
before, the 20 replies counted all the replies to you and the continuing conversations. now it only counts the ones replying directly to your first post.
truly, a vehicle designed by an ork, for an ork. or someone of equal intelligence, at least.
and a looooooooong jacket
good thing he didn't use that gun or else he'd be charged with battery.
correction: it's about selling products by making average people think they understand.
you missed the point so badly it's like you're trying to drive the model S by sitting in the jump seats.
why do you keep complaining that the model S isn't an "average joe" car? Seriously. You should be thanking everyone else for buying it. You think you could have bought a 40" 1080p LCD TV for $500 today if nobody bought the $10,000 TV ten years ago? You think the model S is Tesla's end goal or something? You think…
you seem to be making an extremely fundamental error. The engineers DON'T want the cars to spin sideways easily.
new dealership business model: anyone who tries to buy a car is brought to court!
i think he meant, "did it taste alright?"
i dunno. I think this would work about as well as drivers shifting into neutral during panic... i.e. never.
i await $kaycog's girl in the lowest-tech outfit available.
i think detroit needed indy more than indy needed detroit...
wait, how did they pinpoint this car to being Prym's? Was it the only one ever in north america? are all 28 others accounted for?
I need some way to steer in the air...