That just be ignant!
That just be ignant!
And what does one do if they want their relief money to go to whites only?
What kind of asshole would put a racial component on where their aid dollars were going? I hope There aren’t as many white racist a-hole emergency responders who decide to say fuck all the non-white folks in need. Asshole.
It makes me sooooo happy that this irrelevant video, by this forgettable twit, has such an effect on the likes of the author here. Racism is as racism does, you black I suggest you look in the mirror. A-hole.
Right...aren’t these the same people who raised hell at the Oscarsowhite? Talk about hypocrites!
Why does everyone who’s 1/2 white demand they be called black?
“Rihanna with the good meat”??? This is a compliment? If it was coming from a man, I bet you’ll shit the sidewalk after a comment like that!
Sorry, but it’s inane. Guys just are born to be more attracted to youngish, pretty, fit women....something about signaling the cave man in us all to have sex with them in order to produce attractive, healthy babies, and thus perpetuate the species.
She’s not white if she “identifies” as black, right? I mean, isn’t everything today based on what you identify with? Ninth generation Americans posing as Irish, German, African, or some other hyphenated-American? If she wants to be black, more power to her, and besides, white folk sure as shit don’t want her!
What kind of an racist asshole would wear a “nigger” shirt?
Very funny, but seems to show stereotypical representations of black folks, which seems wrong somehow. Can’t wait for the Negroes’ Rules for White Bar-B-Qs”....should be great! One suggestion though, if we’re black folks, shouldn’t Caucasians be “white”? And if they’re Caucasian, shouldn’t we be referred to as Negro?…
Epic racist rant, Buckwheat! I know this will never make it to the Root, as they refuse to print anything I write, but you’re just as racist, with your black skin, shitty attitude, and blinding bigotry, as any racist in the KKK. And FUCK YOU, Root, for never posting my comments! I think the new Ms. USA is beautiful…
Maybe it’s black folk’s attitude that’s “problematic”.
“Some semblance to melanin”?! WTF is wrong with you? Don’t you see how utterly racist that is? girls don’t know how to act at school, thus cause their own problems.
WTF is a Tipper Gore?
You’ve never heard yourself speak?
Fuck you too.
Yeah.that old country hit “my dog, my truck, and my Ho choking on my cum!” Like dat, you mean?
Whiteness rules, blackness drools, loser!