
To compare the lyrics, and sexuality in rock, to that of Hip Hop, it’s just stupid. “She’s my Cherry Pie” is rock n roll, “Yeah, bitch, gonna jiz up dat big black ass!” is hip hop.

ARGO fuck yourselves with your race-baiting bullshit! Enough of your libtarded horseshit!

I guess I’m one of those “salty White people” who has a problem that black women have a problem with these commercials. What the fuck is wrong with you, snowflake, hat you give such a simple fuck that “your” hair products are being marketed to white women? How big a bigot/ racist bitch are you? Why don’t you just tone

Same to you, pal. There are reports that he broke his own damn teeth out, and smashed his nose, by flailing about, tripping, and slamming his own damn stupid face on an armrest. I hope he gets zilch nothing in his lawsuit.

I’m not sure that being black has anything to do with it...I bet if you were white you’d find those with the same opinions of you, both positive and negative.

What a racist c*nt you are. Thank God all blckpipo aren’t such bigots!

“Ashy negroes”? You think you can be a racist piece of shit just because you’re black? Well, fuck you!

I smell the stench of jealousy. Yeah, she’s cute, which doesn’t hurt, and her comments are spot on in upsetting the perfect targets...libtarded snowflakes. I guess she’s hitting pretty close to home, eh?

Or black men stop being such violent thugs, stop committing crimes, and/or start respecting the police and doing what they damn well tell them. Oops, sorry, did I say write out loud?

I think Bill may have been more on track had he given Maxine grief about culturally appropriating a white woman’s straight hair. Go full-fro, Maxine, make it all “100".

Great thinking Blackish folks. I hear that OJ may be getting out of prison some day soon...maybe you can him and Bill Cosby can team up for more hilarity.

Hopefully they hired by qualifications only, and weren’t concerned at all about gender or race. If you can do that, how can anyone actually complain when a certain race or gender wins out...if it was done truly objectively?

You’re right, a terrible problem with violence against people of color, by people of color. Stop deflecting the real problem by focusing on the few police -involved shootings of black men...most of which are caused by the actions of the “victims”.

I’m sure all you who are against this awful “whitewashing” are equally as stunned by the racial appropriation of “Hamilton”, on Broadway? A black Hamilton...as if!

The same with the guy with a butter knife, as if you couldn’t blind someone, or slit their throat, or stab someone through the heart, with a butter knife. Or here’s a test...I’ll give you my 9mm, I’ll take the butter knife, and will attack you. I’m 6'5, 290lbs. What’re you going to do?

By the way, over 9,000 blacks were killed by other blacks last year, while 280 were killed by cops...less than half the number of whites killed by coops. Hope the reality doesn’t mess up your rant.

I have no idea who either one is...I guess I’m lucky.

What you might do, for us ignorant white folks, is tell us what a “Latinx” is? Are they Latino, Latina , a mix of some sort? All the young women in the photos above look black to me...but are any Latinx?

You would be surprised too. Always interested to see what other for are talking about. I’m reading a lot about idiotic caucasian Betty’s...very illuminating.

You’ll be surprised.