
You sound like the nitwits who say anyone who says they aren’t racist just proved their racism. Soooo stupid!

Oh, fuck you. You never did anything and asked for forgiveness. What did baby daddy do, whup your ass? Give them a break of go suck a dick, you ghetto trash.

Ha! I know, right, Obama totally ignoring his people. I hear he never had ML King in either.

Not a plan, but they pay for it themselves....

Yeah, like the dipsh*ts tearing down Jefferson’s statue. Total “prank”.

Totally stupid ignorant libtards...your kind of people.

My privilege trumps your ignorance. By the way, do you have any Grey Poupon?

You’re kidding, right? It was stupid misguided retarded violent uneducated ignorant stupid violent racist white-hating black librards, not knowing who Douglass even was, who tore it down. The Negroes are on a roll now...any statue anywhere is coming down.....I’d put some guards around the MLK III statue in DC!

You mean unlike the dogturd-American community, like your family?

There can’t be 3 white people out here who know WTF you’re blubbering about, Damon.

Klarkisha, you’re black, yet you think you can tell all these white folks what todo, what is and is not their business, and what issues they’re allowed to address. Lordy, such huge balls! I don’t see how you walk around with them. And blind to your own hypocrisy! Just epic! Maybe you need to just shut your big black

You’re right...Serena’s negrosity is unquestioned. She’s not the blackest of the negoids, to be sure, but in the top 5 of sho.

Man, these rpublitards sound as bad as the black woman who says all white folks are racist because they don’t like being called racist, or some such bullshit.

So, he was walking back to the hotel when “reported shots fired”? Is this ebonics, or what? WTF does it mean? Then, he was running towards the cops, then started walking when he saw them, and this isn’t deemed suspicious? Dear blckpipo....this is suspicious! Learn the rules, accept that the cops may sometimes detain

Gee, what’s so trashy about “my pusy is a lake, come plant your face in it”....or whatever. This is high poetry to the HipHop world. Black ghetto shit is the new Beethoven....didn’t you get the memo?

Yeah, Damon is busy. Busy being a race-baiting, bigoted asshole.

“The privilege of innocent whiteness”?! Geezus...I love it! Bwahahahahaha!!!

Only think is, it’s absolutely wrong, black racist bullshit, believed by only the less intelligent among us.

It’s completely flawed. Anyone who isn’t successful in this country has to be supported by others....so maybe white folks are tired of what they believe is their unfair burden of supporting other people...of any race. If we all succeed, it’s better for everybody.

Damon....I’ m reading the words of a severely depressed, delusional, racist moron. If I were you I’d either get professional help , or drink a fifth of good rum and down about 30 Xanax. You’re pathetic.