Yeah, your test. I think POC were taking a different test.
Yeah, your test. I think POC were taking a different test.
I doubt too many white folks are too concerned about brown people taking their jobs, or immigration in particular. Obama begat Trump just like Bush begat Obama. The people were tired of politically correct BS, the president seemingly backing the thugs against the police, the ACA shoved down our throats (with huge tax…
And you do. You’ll understand when you’re older, whippersnapper!
Maybe if somebody can figure out how to make the tax burden fairer for everyone, you’ll get more backers. I bet the white women you talk about are in the 50% of the population paying 100% of the taxes, and maybe they’re tired of it.
And to all you black women, if you can get writers, like the author of this diatribe, to stop being so fucking racist, maybe they’d get their points across better. Orangutan president, calling whites “caucasians”, calling DeVoss an Uber-betty? I guess that’s OK, if you were OK with calling Michelle Obama, for…
WTF is “Latinx”?
I wonder if you would be so giddy if some white douchebag were to tackle some BLM-flag waving libtard? I think maybe you should be careful with condoning violent reactions to beliefs contrary to your own, or you just might find yourself on the wrong end of a fist some day.
Just curious..has your being a person of pallor helped you vote in any way? Do they not check your ID when you go to vote? Did you even have to register? Then what “privilege”, as far as voting, do you claim?
“Back i the day” black folks had a hard time voting because there were racist goons who would beat them at the polling places. Nowadays, they say they couldn’t vote because of having to show an ID. Oh, cry me a fucking river! An ID!? Are you fucking kidding me? People died for your rights to vote, and you can’t get…
Yo! You win the stupid comment of the day award! Congratulations!
More likely they couldn’t stand the thought of a PC, libtarded, hypocritical, lying gasbag win the presidency....and it didn’t help that she was a white bitch.
Maybe some black men are simply tired, as many white guys are, of the systemic politically correct culture which has infected the democratic party, along with some of the liberal narratives, such as rape culture, cultural appropriation., and the idea that diversity for diversity’s sake is always a great thing, unless…
No doubt systemic sexism on the part of black men, but I know somehow the author will find a way to blame white folk, if she be woke.
“Toddler Future”? That kid’s going to get his ass beat every day in school.
And the Shaniquas and Londariuses need to know that Becky and Chad’s names shouldn’t be made fun of either
No...what you’re saying is that it’s racist for one race of people to do something but not racist for another race of people to do the same thing, which is f*cking racism, no doubt, no matter what liberal BS you’ve been taught.
Total bullshit, but I guess that’s the black mindset....kind of like that black comedian calling president Obama “ My Nigga”, right? But if a white guy did it it would be racist? I think you need to look up “hypocritical”.
Oh, so it would be acceptable if it was on a BET special? Do you even know how bigoted that sounds? Or if one of these women did it as a “standup”, it wouldn’t be racist? What kind of bassackwards, racist logic is that?
And when will black people learn not to blame everything on wypipo? Maybe all the writers who came up with this stuff are black, as are the actresses. Or maybe the actresses came up with the idea, a few names, and hilarity ensued? What does blaming this on white folks say about the author, other than RACIST!?