
I keep thinking, per Chekov’s gun, that dagger is meant for Littlefinger (because his seasons-long deception has to come home somehow and how poetic that the dagger that started it all ends up in the chest of the man who started it all) but whether it’s Sansa or Arya who’s holding it I haven’t decided yet.

Apparently it’s his thing: He always plays a newscaster!

I agree. I was ungreyed on Gawker (RIP) but still greyed on every other of its associated sites and it really didn’t make me want to comment more on Jezebel, io9 or anywhere else Kinja. My comments just went ignored there.

When I learned the actor who played Perd was actually a newcaster in real life, it made me super happy.

Janet is the best thing about The Good Place. My husband and I still go around randomly intoning “Attention! I am being murdered.”

And her unimpressed reaction when she sees him arrive at the same time as her! I laughed a lot.

I wouldn't want Jessica and Matt to get romantically entangled. They're much more fun as colleagues who only barely tolerate each other but know they need the other.

Yes, I really enjoyed the pairings even though I didn't watch Iron Fist. My impression from commenters is that Danny is much more likeable when he's the Spider-Man of the foursome, the talented but slightly annoying younger brother who still could use a mentor giving him perspective. But Matt and Jessica sniping at

I would watch an entire episode consisting of nothing but Jessica and Matt trading insults and barbs.

That orange sponge he uses as hair would probably absorb it all.

Water is a sign of weakness.

Upvoted for your turtle-y description. That was delightful to read!

I stand corrected! So…even MORE stupid than originally believed.

I am shocked, shocked! that a man who managed to bankrupt a casino doesn't give a sh*t about other people's money.

That is dishearteningly true. It's the sole reason my in-laws voted for him. I'd like to think they're now deeply regretting that but I'm afraid to ask. My husband stopped talking politics with them entirely when they claimed he didn't make fun of the reporter with the disability and that it was the media's fault for

Neither I, especially after that scene in a previous episode in which we saw Ed reflected in the window of the Gas Farm, eating soup. I feel that abrupt, off-kilter movement of his reflection that was not mirrored in his actual movement, has to be significant because duh, David Lynch.

I kept thinking, 'something bad's going to happen to Ed or Norma, now that they're finally together, bc it's David Lynch and he will mess with our heads.' I really want him to give us this at least. Just one happy ending. Just one.

Right, like Bannon hasn't already perfected the art of the leak. I'm curious how many of those "unnamed White House sources" are just him and his assistants.

Wasn't he great? It was clear he enjoys playing Daredevil and he's thought a lot about the character. He was so good in Boardwalk Empire too.

Jaysus, pump the brakes. This entire website was created for people to express their opinions about pop culture. No need to get defensive because someone else dares to not like a character as much as you clearly do.