Will Tomorrow

Yea I was thinking the same thing, truth be told I got a little worried when they first mentioned it. I should have followed my instincts.

Frame rate issues.

Right now nobody cares about how they're going to fix their game. The real question is: how did they manage to release a broken game? Do they have QA?

Arno getting caught inside of hay carts.

Should of finished the game before release, instead of after release. Ubisoft is becoming worse then EA, and that is not something that can be easily attained.

We are currently working on our next update that will help address some of the specific issues some players are having, including:

Press embargoes are my new red flag. Any game that has a press embargo until -after- launch will not be receiving any money from me at launch. If it were a good game they wouldn't want to keep people from talking about it.

Thanks god they didn't get these fixed before they shipped the game, they'd have nothing to do!

Too late Ubi! I hope Far Cry 4 is good as atm you are labelled the worst developer of 2014 with 2 of the biggest disappointments of the new generation.

Ubisoft, don't be greedy next year. If you needed to delay AC Unity until December (or longer) you should've done it. Now you're seeing your stocks falling and I think the trend will continue even if FC 4 has a smooth launch. That's the price of greed.

Why does every single release on ps4 or x1 need a day 1 patch to work? Now a days they need several patches just to function as a complete game. It is mind blowing how bad the state of AAA releases are these days.

Too busy playing other games to worry about this. Finally finished Sunset Overdrive's main storyline last night now I've got some Master Chiefing to do.

Not saying anything specific, but dont these bugs look eerily similar to those Tomb Raider bugs??

Also, I love how they actually dont get a fuck, its all PR bullshit. They knew it was buggy for release but they only comment on the issues after people cry on the internet. Fucking Ubisoft, I hope your company goes under.


You don't need to play Halo to know that 10 people should make 5x5.

Man, what is up with devs lately? Seems so many games have been released buggier than usual. Though in this case I guess it doesn't surprise me as much. From what it seemed, the MCC was put together in a hurry in an attempt to spur XB1 sales over putting out a quality collection. I could be wrong, but that's how

The British accent thing is pretty valid. A game based on historical value (even loosely) should not deviate so liberally.....even though I'm sure there were Brits in France at the time. Furthermore, wasn't this developed by Ubi Montreal ?? Almost everyone in Montreal speaks French, so the irony is sort of comedic.

I love the series just for the "Oh I'm touring a city I've never been to" and the time periods, but yeah most of the time the story doesn't make sense at all, I meet a lot of characters that I end up forgetting, their motivations are mostly stupid, it's like watching a horrible soap opera. The story kinda made sense

I haven't been able to understand the Assassin's Creed games for years now. I try them every now and again - I've played 1, 2, Brotherhood and Black Flag - but it just feels like the same game repeated ad nauseum. Even Black Flag, the so-called "reinventor" and "savior" of the series, was so clogged and bloated with

The weird time travel VR thing has always seemed so convoluted and stupid to me, it's made these games feel like such a chore. Removing that is step one.

Another lesson: when someone says they've scrapped a game, don't believe them for an instant.