Will Tomorrow

Got my start in QA through a staffing company called Volt at the VMC in Redmond, WA. A real cesspool. Unqualified folks right off the street, responding to a craigslist ad. When I first started there I was a “bullpen” worker. You’d show up at 6am and see if they had any contracts. Sometimes contracts were for anywhere

A $500,000,000 budget, well spent.

I made it all the way through a sidequest in AC: Unity without experiencing a nigh game breaking bug. Does that qualify for the highlight reel?


I get the reasons why they do so, but also see that DragonAge Inquisition has been allowing reviews of their (yet unreleased) product for over a week now.

That strikes me as having confidence in their game, and the review scores are mostly bolstering that confidence. It used to be that I could count on reviews

100% in agreement. If the publisher doesn't want people writing about their game, that is a huge Red Flag. Even day of release embargoes are a cancelled pre-order from me from here on out.

The Destiny embargo was the first one that really struck me as odd. "You won't get an accurate picture of the game until the world

To be fair, the gutted state in which they released Destiny was borderline criminal.

Not to be that guy, Nathan; But I think you're looking for the word "Difference" in the title of the article.

I've got to say, this is getting to be status quo, isn't it? Bungivision intoning mightily about the desirability of 'new' features or 'new' gameplay, and then the player base receiving a tepid and watered down version of what it said on the tin?

I haven't popped Destiny in since Shadow of Mordor came out, and not

I only ever worked FOR one development studio (the now defunct Gas Powered Games on the middling at best Space Siege), but was a contract QA team member. lead and manager at about a dozen studios over the years. Only two of 'em treated their contractors with anything resembling human decency; Microsoft Game Studios

I may be too old, or perhaps too ethnocentric, but I don't get the appeal.

Then again, I'm not a huge fan of J-Pop, or 8 out of 10 anime that're recommended to me either, so maybe it's just a personal taste thing.

*ends peering over his old man glasses and goes back to fretting about how the world is scary because

I'm still waiting for a title that validates my $400 Xbox One purchase. As it stands, I can't really think of anything that didn't have a comparable last gen alternative.

I just got mine a month ago, so it's not as though I'm even an 'early adopter'. Here's hoping that this holiday season finally shakes off the

So the DLC content is already on the disk then?

This video makes is seem like stuff was arbitrarily withheld to make another $20 a pop. I can't imagine it taking 3 additional months to populate the level with the same enemy models (what I'm anticipating, given what constituted 'new' enemies in the Vault of Glass) and

32. Have all these features implemented at launch.

I'm pretty sure people are still playing it because it exploits a reward response mechanism in its player base. Specifically designed like a gambling system to keep people 'invested' even when they've long since seen everything in the game and have grown weary of the repetition.

It's akin to a rat pushing a button to

I too got $35 back out of it, and take no small amount of joy in the knowledge that Bungivision won't see a single red cent out of the resale.

People are WAY too defensive about other people not liking the things they like. I'm not sure what drives the phenomena, I just know that it smacks of insecurity.

So let me get this straight, they've removed the only reason anyone level 28+ would even do the 'new' content in 'The Queen's Wrath'? All the gear you get for running her missions is the same light level or worse than the stuff I'd ground out prior to the 'new' content. Now there is literally no point to running any

Now playing

I have to disagree with the assertion that this is the best farming spot in the game. I've definitely hit up the 'Cave of Fortune', but it pales in comparison to a respawn exploit found in the Moon Story Mission, 'The Dark Beyond'.

The video in the link isn't mine, but it nicely illustrates the sheer mob density

You'd think every Destiny article was a game of League of Legends, what with the general toxicity of the comments.