Will Tomorrow

You're not overly pedantic. Despite the title, the article does say "(yeah Starcraft was their last new game)", which it wasn't (Hearthstone was, unless I'm mistaken).

It was in Sammamish, quite possibly the whitest place in Greater Seattle. You bet your ass they'd have shot a black person on sight.

"beard sets" they know exactly what we need.

Props to Bethesda for at least nipping this one in the bud. It was really frustrating how long they let the Survivor2299 hoax go on without commenting.

they sold a gutted, shell of what could have been one of the best games ever. thats what they sold.

I didn't even know this game existed.

And if you aren't good at it there should be no way for you to have any fun at all. That'll show em!

After 3hours of dying you receive a bag of gold that has 30g in it

I dunno...have you seen some of the butts that the men of video games are rocking these days?

Let's just get the obvious out of the way and say "this would've been more believable if she claimed she was simply a confused Methodist."

Religion wasn't in Civ V to begin with either. It was added in with the Gods and Kings expansion.

They couldn't keep her, she was too hard to animate.

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary

Looks rushed-to-production and cheap. Which is silly, considering the much better fan-made versions we've seen already.

Eff it. I read twice before posting. Get off your bloody high horse. I never comment here, and now I know why: the authors are elitist pricks.

This is the sort of reason Bungie shouldn't be limiting the options for players trying to coordinate in-game to try and complete objectives. They claim it's for balance and because it'd be impossible to beat with random players or whatever. But that's bullshit. They're simply trying to pass the buck to someone else

I enjoy some J-pop, not a lot of it, but I'm not entirely on board with the whole vocaloid as a celebrity thing. It's fun to watch on YouTube, but I would not buy tickets to a concert, for example.

I'm a big, huge fan of Jpop and I dont get vocaloids...
I assure many people in Japane dont get vocaloids, idk... and I assure you even more that vocaloids and jpop are not considered to be the exact same thing by people

I wouldn't have too much of a problem with the DLC already being on the disc and having to pay for it if the main game had enough content. As it stands, the game content is severely lacking and it seems like Bungie is trying to stretch out the content that is there.

How do you know it's not just your monitor that's calibrated wrong? :D