
You cracked the case! All the deaf people got together when the rest of us weren’t looking (except maybe the blind people because you know they’re a bunch of sneaky fucks), and decided they would organize an all-deaf Improv Everywhere skit where they would send 18 volunteers to a Rhode Island movie theater at the same

You disdain for the Walmart customer is amazingly classist.

“...refuge for people who have completely and utterly given up.”

What a bunch of assholes in this thread. If this thread is anything to go by, other countries have better public services because they’re nicer people. Thank god I live in Australia, I can’t think of a single person who would utter the sentiments I’ve read here.

My Scooby was Georgiana, which doesn’t fit cause she is the scoobiest cat ever. I think someone was into Pride and Prejudice.

I have what is commonly referred to as “baby hair” it no thicker than when I was 3 years old and you can read a newspaper through it. But like you I can bleach the hell out of it, blow dry every day and it is still perfectly smooth and intact. The only upside for me

I have naturally straight, fine hair. It’s not thick or heavy enough to cover evidence of extensions

I just feel like Brit’s hair was never naturally very abundant, plus years of bleaching, styling damage, product has most likely weakened it further. Kim has always had a buttload of hair, it has always looked healthy (sans that platinum bob), and it’s probably fairly long even without the Cher extensions.

It’s not the number. It’s the size. The scale is wrong for the space.

But I still can’t decide whether that’s too many rugs or not enough

When I was a young alternative person, it was shameful to like Britney. I’m glad I can love her with abandon now.

This was the first season of ANTM I’ve watched in YEARS and I loved Rita Ora as host. I loved the whole panel, really. :-(

I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m 100% on her side and 100% opposed to the alt-right. On the other hand, her special was not good. I’m a fan of her show, and I liked her movie a lot, and I liked her previous special, but this one sucked, frankly.

And he talks through clenched teeth. I HATE THAT.

Our household opinion is he had to pick Vanessa because Raven would have legit married him. Vanessa gives him the convenient “not gonna move to Canada better break up and pursue my reality acting/reality dancing/reality men’s hair products career”

I thought for a second that the “HISTORIC BACHELOR SURPRISE” last night was going to be that Nick was going to do the final rose ceremony right then and there on live TV.

she may have won, but she ain’t the best

Yeah like that guy who said something about once he goes black he won’t go back to Rachel?! WTF dude. Eliminate that guy immediately.

That was awful. Did they pick the four most awkward men on the entire planet? I mean, if that one guy going “Once I go black...” is any indication of the next season I may have to burn the whole Bachelor mansion to the ground.

I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head when I heard that statement by Dean. Like, who approved that? Why would he think that’s a good idea? Did he originally plan on saying something else and then do an audible?