
Chopped Junior is SO much better than the ultra-contrived MasterChef. I can only take so much Gordon Ramsey and the adult version is about it. And the adult version got worse since Graham Elliot and Joe Bastianich left.

“I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it. It’s very confusing.”

from the interview: “The Lobster was interesting but a little bit weird for me”

Generation 1 is by far my favorite, but I definitely love Gen 3 way more than I love Gen 2. I love Mini and Alo’s relationship, and Rich and Grace HIT ME SO HARD.

she’s just saying don’t come for her on social media because saying g3 was the best gen is an unpopular opinion.

Saw the headline and was totally relieved this wasn’t a “JESUS TELLS US NOT TO TIP IMMIGRANTS” type post.

I think when the 2 Corinthians walked into a bar, they changed that.

Kim Burrell has hit 14:58 on the clock.

“picking and choosing what “sins” are acceptable in the Bible, and using the Bible as a whip!”

But now I’m not mad. Dune! Cybill! And isn’t she a classically trained pianist? An excellent red head.

Still waiting for the Bryce Dallas Howard-Jessica Chastain movie. (Some kind of Single White Female situation? Or better yet, they team up as an unstoppable ginger force.)

Exact sentence just ran through my head as I stared at her slightly of so familiar chin mole.

Wait, is that Clarissa’s mom, or am I just holiday stoned?

Can we give him to the scientologists or something? At least they’d probably hose him down.

What does Rowan Atkinson have to do with this dirt bag?

I suspect there comes a point where being a sex symbol has gotten you everything it’s going to get you. Maintaining your looks past a certain juncture may feel like painstakingly managing a garden that produces vegetables you’ve grown tired of eating.

Megan Follows-Anne of Green Gables. Original Annie. I’m out of roles that are actually red heads.

Taylor Swift’s dad was a senior vice president at Merril Lynch, its pretty difficult to be more privileged than that without being related to royalty.

Girl with the dragon tattoo, social network, etc.