
"Actual rapists"? Really? Sounds like you might think "legitimate rape" is a thing. And, you added victim blaming to it too. Wow, if I couple that with throwing retardation around casually, sounds like you hit the ignorant trifecta.

If people don't verbally deny consent to steal from them, it is tacit approval? Let me flesh that scenario out. A person is already in the process of being robbed and says "take my wallet." Does that then mean they weren't robbed?

So, you don't mean that yes means yes. You mean that a lack of a no means yes?

So, if something is pervasive, there is no need to create language for it? So the entire English speaking world should white out the dictionary definitions and appearances of classism, racism, agism, sizism, and the many other words that aren't being used in direct opposition to a utopia? Really?

I don't have to defend anything, it isn't my story. Also, is the concept of saying something you don't mean because you feel like you are being forced to something you are unfamiliar with? Honestly? Many men and women who are raped by boyfriends, spouses, relatives, and people they know go along with the sex once it

Firstly, all words are made up terms at their inception. That's how language works. "Rape Culture" is a term with a 40 year history and it references behavior that dates back centuries. Racism was a made up term in the 1930s; does that mean racism doesn't happen? Who educated you? I would like to write them a long,

They might not. But, if they are black out wasted, they aren't capable of giving consent. If you talk dirty to someone after they are already non-consensually having sex with you, there are many more reasons than consent contributing to that choice.

Honestly, the fact that he has no teeth would have me jumping out of that ride and rolling to a stop alone. Add in the abuse and I would light the ride on fire before I leaped.

I am uncomfortable with assuming that. She obviously didn't press charges or want that to be a solution. But, I don't think a person who is drunk and high is in a position to give consent even with dirty talk. As an analogy, I would think it would be like saying a young person who pursued an older person is complicit

Well, there is that. But, I could be gropey.*

But she definitely thought (even at the time) that she hadn't consented.

I like that you cherry picked what you included as a quote to support you even though it doesn't.

Why did I go into teaching? I could have been an amazing gropey general.

I don't know. He pulled a knife on Brooke Mueller and threatened to kill Denis Richards, but I think he only shot Kelly Preston (like her only, not like I am minimizing shooting someone).

I think tiger blood wiped memories of when Charlie Sheen "allegedly" shot Kelly Preston.

Did he make the Mrs. Weasley sweater himself? Where does one procure such a thing?

Did she keep any of the clothes for you?

They are closer to human appearance, but still clearly not human.

When I was a barista, the only thing we ever did was giving rude customers decaf. Otherwise, we never did anything to their food or drinks.

Ya think?