
The highlights probably cover it or at least her apology for saying "I'm not black, but I know what it feels like." But, even in the apology she tries to explain that her celebrity allowed her to understand DuBois concept of double consciousness. I think there is a pretty substantial difference between the lack of

Allure profiles reveal odd things. I largely resent Natalie Portman because of an Allure cover story.

This would never have happened in The Pelt Room.

Mrs. Robinson was forty-two. And so if you want to see how our conception of forty-two-year-old women has changed over the last five decades, simply imagine The Graduate remade today, with Cameron Diaz in the part made famous by Anne Bancroft.

I saw an episode of The Bachelor where the surprise date was seeing Train in concert. and I knew, at that point more than at any other, that I could not be a contestant. It was no longer about having to wear pageant dresses or have long hair or be generically, nonthreateningly pretty or all the teeth bleaching or

No. That's totally a cultural bias.

But, what's the point of all that if you aren't carefree enough to enjoy it? For me, there wouldn't be one.

Or maybe Carefree was the name of an alternate personality and it should read: "I've only had a couple of times in my life when I was Carefree. And then he died."

I don't think a guy who has only been carefree a couple of times is the person to teach me how to live my best life.

Her styling makes it look like she is riffing on Annie. Does she acknowledge that at any point in the interview?

Just to be contrary, I would like to take this time to declare (with absolutely no insecurity) that I graduate Summa cum Laude and am a member of MENSA ... but, yeah Artistic Savant is making a deeply flawed argument.

Now playing

Pretty sure when people sexually pleasure dogs, they just use their hands (at least I think that's the point this guy is making, but he speaks German maybe)

This would be like arguing that the magical Negro is a a fully fledged character because you are one. What you are is a fully realized woman with some overlap onto a two dimensional narrative cliche. Accept that you identify somewhat but stop trying to reclaim what is ultimately a flat character because you take

So take that TWERKING LADY!

I am convinced these are just the bloated corpses of deceased Doritos.

How are Amber Tamblyn and David Cross not on this list?

How are Amber Tamblyn and David Cross not on this list?

I use them to teach argumentation. I love them utterly.