
I don't lack enough skepticism to think this move is entirely selfless or that it will lead to justice. But, I am made of enough rainbows to feel truly, truly happy that these statements have been made.

My last boyfriend was totally down for it and I felt so relieved that I finally got to do what I wanted without someone squealing or giggling. We all have our preferences and it is great when those line up.

I enjoy that you have taken the role of token penis owner in this thread; I feel like any time I see FIGJAM as a commenter, I will think penis thoughts. I don't really know how I feel about that.

I wish more men were like you.

IK, R? I wish someone would strap me in a vest and take me to the beach and encourage me to run about. I am pretty adorable too.

That was my exact same takeaway.

I very much enjoyed the hopping. Thank you. I also was glad to read about the tummy tuck. I had wondered where all of his skin went.

That is something I hadn't thought about, but you are totally right.

I am pretty sure that the little shirt was for chafe protection. But, the upside is that he doesn't need it anymore.

Now playing

Now I must find a video of Obie on the beach.

What I am doing is accepting that this girl would not risk the safety of her family to continue a rape narrative when there will never me any legal ramification for the perpetrator. That act would be illogical. I assume my colorful narrative style comes from my background as a college instructor of argument. Please

Did you just accuse me of exaggerating when you minimized vaginal tearing to soreness?The reality is that this is rape because it was not sex that the participant consented to (she was both lacking in maturity and sobriety to do so). You can blame the alcohol (many rape apologists do). You can argue that both

I pray someone will throw a drink. Well, actually, I would just want a guaranteed Mathu Anderson guest appearance.

Yep. I didn't want to shill for them because I am not on the payroll. But, I love my frames.

Further into the article, it discusses vaginal tearing. Regardless of his endowment, your assertion is that she may have coerced him. Why would anyone coerce an unwilling participant into ripping their vaginal flesh apart at the relatively sexually inexperienced age of 14? Do you imagine that her rape of him felt

I feel intuitively that if I could see her image between her parents, I would see the resemblance to each.

Good to know. I did not obtain my episodes via legal means and must have failed to notice anything other than how awesome it is. I do that.

I keep looking for a family resemblance between the two and Melanie Griffiths work is making it really hard. I miss her old face, but I suppose she does too (or she wouldn't have had the work).

Does one imagine Anthony Hopkins would be watching it on BBC America? He has to have a true UK programming hook-up in the US. I sure would.