
These are mine and I get compliments all the time. Man, I love cheap prescription frames from the internet.

Hold up. I can have some dinner party that involves Raven dressed as Mama Rose, Manila as a teen queen Cruella, and Jujubee wearing her superhero wig? This is a thing? I am so in.

Now playing

Romi and Michelle? OK. I get it. But...clearly this is better:

Absolutely no one here wants a 14 year old to be raped. Clearly.

A. None of those behaviors is consent or can be construed as explicit permission to be fucked.

A small quibble:

Loli-Chan's story mirrors that of Myspace scene girl Kiki Kannibal, whose struggle to escape internet torment was covered in Rolling Stone. There are others who also went through the same process and are still going through it. Given the short memory of the internet, I always expected internet celebrity and its

During the sobfest that followed my learning that the best boyfriend I ever had was married and fathered a child during the year and a half that we were together, my father asked, "When are we going to stop talking about this. It's really boring." While this was likely a true state of affairs for him, he was still

I am 36 and he is the first actor in a teen cast that I found debilitatingly attractive in well...ever. He is yums. But, yes, I feel gross about it.

I respect the Niel Diamond pitch, but clearly Tom Jones is the way to go.

You need to click the link.

Good to know. I will keep an eye out for him at all times.

Pretty sure I covered that in the sentences that followed the one that you quoted. But, thank you for repeating the essence of my statement with an added patina of judgement.

Me too.

My son's birthday is on Halloween and he loves it.


How is Paradise?

But, why did they have to go? Was it vacation or work? I know this won't matter to a lot of people. Full disclosure, I was a single mom in my late teens and I just wouldn't leave my baby for days at a time. I know the baby is fine, but I just didn't think I would ever have another one (and I haven't) and I didn't

I will admit, I wondered why they didn't bring the baby with them. It doesn't make sense to me. I respect your point and your right to make it, but I don't really understand it.

Wow. Someone on the internet was nice to me. Sincerely, thank you. Truly.