
I guess I mostly think of The Ed Sullivan Show when I think about that concept.

Do I have to get married (or even date) to get professional photos of myself dressed as a princess in a library?

IK,R? I think I might love him.

Ah. Why is it that I think of UK programming as being less restrictive?

The thighs in my jeans rub out occasionally.

They changed the lines in the bathroom lyrics.

I watched this only to see what goat breathing was.

Every part of that encounter pleases me.

The man in the bottom right is genius.

Dear Taco,

It is hypnotic. I am so amazed by how fluid the bears are in their movements.

Now playing

Oh yeah, totally. That was a clip from Viva Variety. But, MIB first hit the scene on MTV's The State.

All animals are made better (and angry killing machines) through the wearing of humorous clothes.

But, the bear one is rad.

Man, on my stupid teaching salary, I can only sit in bed wearing a thread bare t-shirt and sipping tap water. You are living the dream, man.

And I used the wrong "there" in my original post. Seriously, my lack of proofreading would have been a real boon for a close reader. Too bad you aren't one.

Firstly, the deep and unrelenting lack of self-awareness in your post is thrilling. I have seen you post in numerous threads where it is clear that you bypassed reading the source material for the Jezebel piece or watching the imbedded videos and instead launched into a semi-related, yet entirely unfounded opinion.

Squifstery never reads the linked material or watches posted videos before pontificating. Seriously, check his/her comment thread.

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What is with the quotes around "readers"? That's not how quotation marks work.