
Unfortunately, an average consumer of Groupon wouldn’t know anything about that. We’re in it for the deals. We would have no way of knowing the inner workings of temp life at Groupon.

For the discussion of substantive issues and the pushing the party left to occur requires than Manning have a knowledge of those issues and an ability to drive those discussions. Sorry I’m not buying that

I personally will be voting for Cardin.

Meanwhile, this is the supermodel she’s been fucking:

We’re not going to agree at all considering you seem to take Wikileaks seriously even now.  And while my politics don’t align at all with The Telegraph, it is certainly not the equivalent of Breitbart. It’s more the equivalent of a slightly more conservative WSJ. I’ve posted a 60 minutes link about Chelsea punching

So, you know nothing about policy, you don’t care that she knows nothing about policy, you’re going to promote her bullshit candidacy with a zealot’s fervor and you don’t even live in the state she’s running in?

Yes yes yes. I despise Snowden, who was a Russian mole and traitor from the start, no he wasn’t “concerned about Americans’ privacy”, he stole billions more megabytes of info that had nothing to do with privacy. That he fled with to China and ended up in Moscow is no coincidence. Snowden was a nasty mole and

Yes. That won’t hurt poor and disenfranchised people th most.

What utter bullshit. The different point of view line is such a weak pathetic attempt to deflect people from blatant racism and bigotry. It’s lazy and demonstrates a total lack of decency. Your messiah not wanting people from shithole countries means he things the people are shit, it means he has contempt for the

He is right about the dangers of being shot are more real than ever. Except it will mostl likely be a mentally ill white male with unlimited access to guns and ammunition. Yay, NRA!

Iowa is a shithole. Love, a Chicagoan.

I live in a predominantly Black neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. Apparently, I am missing all the shooting, as I have yet to be shot after living on this particular street for 16 years. So no, simply living in a city and not being white doesn’t mean your neighborhood is a shithole. And fucking Iowa? I would not

I’m well aware that Ben Cardin has a shitty record when it comes to Israel and the surveillance state. The man also authored bills to increase child support and to provide more assistance to foster children in addition to authoring a bill to expand medicare. He’s well regarded by the NAACP, has an F rating by the NRA,

“People who compromise are bad” is a stunningly naive way to go through life, let alone politics.

To Marney: there’s no way to take your words out of context you rascist fucking cunt.

It’s relevant, there are a lot of comments on this topic, and you’re kind of doing a public service given that a) a lot of people don’t know about that report and b) ordinary citizens should be doing a whole lot more to get their Representatives and Senators to get off their collective butts and deal with Zuckerberg

Whether she’s taken seriously as a candidate or not, she and her activist following can do a hell of a smear campaign on the incumbent, by simply inferring that any opposition is based on transphobia.

“She will be running as a Democrat in Maryland against 74-year-old career politician Ben Cardin.”

I heard her on some NPR show that had her as a guest and I was surprised at how little command over the issues she had (little facts, all emotion). She also got aggressive with the interviewer several times over common questions. She doesn’t have the temperament or breadth of knowledge to be a Senator.

“She will be running as a Democrat in Maryland against 74-year-old career politician Ben Cardin.”