
I wish that I could laugh at this. But I actually find it pretty scary. Chelsea Manning is an absolute lunatic, but apparently so are a signifiant portion of the voting public.

I’m sorry did I just watch a campaign video or a generic trailer for a Hollywood blockbuster?

Like the rock these are excellent qualities in a friend. However there are still technical skills needed to be a politician and the way she already ran her school was quite frankly awful.

Oh man. I’m sort of with you here. I don’t know. I understand she was in a position where she didn’t want to offend him, and as a woman we’ve all been there......but after a certain point, you have to speak up for yourself, especially since, going by the article, she didn’t feel physically threatened. You can’t just

Not to mention the work she’s done elevating shit-brained, anti-science charlatans to the public stage. Think Trump’s environmental policy person is a travesty? Wait ‘til you see Dr. Oz as Secretary 0f Health.

that seems fair... and probably correct

You hope she successfully beats out one of the most liberal democratic senators in the primary ensuring a republican win in a blue state?

The leaks were well prior to the Arab Spring, and the video is well known to have been deceptively edited to give a false impression.

She also dumped dozens of files that had nothing to do with those war crimes and quite possibly endangered people in those areas that were aiding our military such as informants and translators.

Because it’s not just about the general. We become the party that gives a shot to someone who jeopardizes national security because we feel for her on a social justice front. I don’t see how this doesn’t come into play in a general. Also, Cardin’s supporters will be painted as anti-trans. Which will inevitably lead to

What in the ever loving world are you talking about??? There are laws that govern the conduct of Federal employees. Those that govern those ewho have access to classified information are even greater. I can’t even wear a Fitbit into my workplace because I can’t disable the Bluetooth. Anyone who believes that these

On December 20, 2009, during a counseling session with two colleagues to discuss her poor time-keeping, Manning was told she would lose her one day off a week for persistent lateness. She responded by overturning a table, damaging a computer that was sitting on it. A sergeant moved Manning away from the weapons rack,

While I wish that were true, the way it actually works is that Congress members (and the President) are all automatically eligible for security clearances, due to the fact that they are duly elected representatives of “the people” and it is often a necessary component of their jobs. Hence, why Donald Trump, who by no

You forgot the part about when one of her defenses, that she affirmatively made to the court, was that the DoD should have known better than to trust a trans person with sensitive information. Seriously.

Less than half the country, no matter their political affiliation, supported clemency for Chelsea Manning. How is she going to win if 2/3rds of the country thinks she should be in jail?

The establishment? Hell, she already has an anti-Chelsea campaign going just because of who she is and what she’s done. There are tons of US government workers in that state, many of whom (of varying political stripes) hate her because she leaked secrets from her job - secrets which were really no great secret to

It’s a joke. This isn’t a blow for unrepresentef trans people, but the act of a self-indulgent, deluded person. No matter how anyone spins it, she violated an oath and obviously (admittedly) did not really consider the ramifications for frontline soldiers.

Hope she lives a life that she can be proud of, but this is stupid. If anything else, the diplomatic cables she leaked were a clear case of Assange taking advantage of someone in a fragile state and getting her to dump everything she could possibly find.

Ugh. There is so much wrong with Manning, none of it related to her identity as a trans woman.

Maryland is one of the Blackest states in the country, with a Democratic party that is almost entirely Black. There is no way in hell Manning has the cultural and political understanding to run there without falling on her face. Also, there is a long history of comments about Obama from her and her supporters that